1.1 Support and promote health and wellbeing
We will:
1.1.1 Develop and deliver recreation and leisure programs that provide opportunities for community connectedness.
1.1.2 Protect the community against preventable diseases and hazards associated with food, water and the environment.
1.1.3 Build community capacity to support and create opportunities for people to access and participate in activities that enhance their wellbeing.
1.1.4 Work with community groups and other organisations to reduce the incidence of preventable health issues related to: physical activity, nutrition, mental health, sunsmart, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
- Continue to work in partnership with the state government to leverage opportunities for investment and development projects which create opportunities for girls and women in Banyule, including:
- Develop female friendly change rooms at Elder St Reserve (Soccer), Petrie Park, and Gabonia Avenue Reserve
- Implement the Play-space plan (a component of our Public Open Space Plan) to provide appropriate play spaces for our community, including:
- Undertake a public consultation process and prepare detailed plans for the path network and proposed regional playspace at Kalparrin Gardens.
- Continue the delivery of a regional play space at Anthony Beale Reserve.
- Deliver improvement works to refresh our local park facilities across the municipality, including: Aminya Reserve Watsonia, Fells Reserve Greensborough, Sparks Reserve Ivanhoe, Harry Pottage Reserve Macleod, and Ramu Reserve Heidelberg West
- Continue the playground replacement program, redeveloping playgrounds in local parks across Banyule.
- Provide affordable recreation opportunities through our libraries, community halls, parks, community hubs and leisure centres.
- Finalise detailed design of the Ivanhoe Library and Learning Hub.
- Continue our investment in developing, improving and maintaining Council’s Aquatic and Leisure Centres
- Continue to deliver Movies in the Park
- Continue the mapping work to enable Council to clearly articulate work plans and measurable outcomes for each of the identified health priority areas.
- Deliver public health services to protect the community (eg. food safety, potential nuisances, and water quality in public pools)
- Co-ordinate and deliver immunisation services to protect children from vaccine preventable diseases.
- Undertake educational and enforcement activities to reduce the health impact of tobacco on the community, including the promotion of the August 2017 Tobacco reforms.
- Work in partnership with the NDIS Local Area Coordination service on initiatives that increase the inclusion of people with a disability in community life.
- Support the North East Primary Care Partnership local initiative to address the consumption of sugary drinks
- Support Neighbourhood Houses to provide community and education programs.
- Support community groups with community grants and access to buildings.
- Prepare a revitalised 4 year Recreation Plan for 2017-2021
- Participate on the La Trobe Sports Park Indoor Stadium Steering Committee to ensure ongoing access to the facility for the Banyule Community.
1.2 Provide a range of services for people at important life stages
We will:
1.2.1 Deliver services and support the positive development of children, young people, their families and carers
1.2.2 Support older people to live independently.
1.2.3 Work with agencies and service providers to make available a range of quality and accessible community services.
- Continue strategic planning work to outline Council’s priorities and direction in relation to making Banyule an Age-friendly place to live.
- Maintain Council’s membership to the World Health Organisation’s Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and support the Victorian Age-friendly Declaration.
- Increase opportunities for older adults to participate in Banyule’s services and programs
- Prepare, implement and reorientate Council’s aged services in response to the national Aged Care Reforms and to ensure Commonwealth funded aged services are sustainable and best meeting the needs of the community.
- Support the community’s transitional needs associated with the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
- Continue to work in partnership with Headspace in delivery of mental health services for young people in Banyule
- Deliver innovative activities, programs and support that assist in the development and emerging needs of young people and the community.
- Develop the new 4 year Youth Strategic Plan 2017-2021
- Plan and deliver sustainable aged and disability services in line with State and Commonwealth programs and funding, to support people to live independently at home.
- Provide evidence based and responsive maternal and child health (MCH) and early childhood services that reflects current standards of best practice.
1.3 Support a connected, inclusive and involved community
We will:
1.3.1 Work in partnership to increase connection and inclusion, and support opportunities for all people to be involved in community life.
1.3.2 Assist people to participate in volunteering activities
1.3.3 Ensure Council facilities, activities and services are accessible, inclusive and provide equity.
1.3.4 Work with our diverse community to reduce prejudice and disadvantage and value diversity through education, celebration and awareness raising.
1.3.5 Advocate on behalf of our community to reduce disadvantage and discrimination.
- Maintain active community engagement programs to encourage greater use of leisure centres by under-represented groups such as people from culturally diverse backgrounds, people with disabilities and those from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.
- Deliver, host and participate in a range of community events that celebrate and showcase diversity, including:
- International Day of People with Disability in December 2017
- Council participation in the Gay and Lesbian Pride March in January 2018
- Cultural Diversity Week in March 2018
- International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia in May 2018
- A smoking ceremony and flag raising to mark Sorry Day in May 2018
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture during National Reconciliation Week 2018.
- Evaluate Council owned festivals and events to identify continuous improvement opportunities
- Co-ordinate and deliver the annual volunteer and citizen of the year awards and celebration function
- Support the Management Group of Barrbunin Beek, our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander gathering space, to operate an accessible space and organise events and activities that support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander's.(reported under ATSI annual Plan actions)
- Maintain Council’s ‘Rainbow Tick’ accreditation program and continue to undertake improvement activities that contribute to clients who identify with the LGBTI community feeling welcome, confident and safe as they access aged and disability services.
1.4 Develop and promote safety and resilience in our community
We will:
1.4.1 Support, address and advocate for community safety.
1.4.2 Support, address and advocate for key issues affecting the community.
1.4.3 Provide and advocate for important infrastructure improvements that add to a safer environment.
1.4.4 Support, address and advocate for graffiti prevention and education.
1.4.5 Support and strengthen community resilience to address areas of disadvantage.
1.4.6 Strengthen community preparedness and resilience for emergency events.
- Implement year 3 of the Preventing Violence Against Women Strategy
- Develop a revitalised 4 year Safer Banyule Plan 2017–2021
- Implement traffic and road safety improvements, including:
- Commence design and construction of a children’s crossing at Marshall Street Ivanhoe and safe pedestrian crossing at Anthony Beale Reserve
- Complete improvements to the Grimshaw Street / Flintoff Street intersection, Greensborough in a partnership project with the transport Accident Commission and VicRoads
- Traffic speed and volume control measures at selected locations including Kenmare St, Watsonia; Liberty Pde, Heidelberg West; Yando St, Greensborough;
- Plan the roll out of bike route wayfinding and road marking in a systematic way through implementation of the Bicycle Facilities Program.
- Localised traffic infrastructure treatments including raised intersection at The Boulevard and Warncliffe Road Ivanhoe East and review of intersection at Louis Street at Henry Street Greensborough.
- Implement key infrastructure initiatives to improve community safety, including:
- Continue to implement the footpath replacement program
- Renew and replace retaining walls in our open spaces, road reserves.
- Improve and maintain fences abutting public spaces in line with the fence asset replacement program
- Implement year 2 of the Graffiti Management Strategy & Action Plan 2015-2018
- Work in partnership to support the regeneration of postcode 3081 through key Council and community initiatives, including:
- Continue the focussed efforts of the Project 3081 team in supporting the growth and development of 3081 community
- Expand the range of community information services delivered at Shop 48 - The Mall West Heidelberg
- Communicate Shop 48 services and benefits to the community and seek the growth of partnerships and sustainable activity.
- Collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders including the Public Housing Renewal Program.
- Implement Council’s Strategic Plan for Building Disaster Resilience including:
- The development and delivery of a community education project that involves educating community groups, about disaster risk and mitigation information with an all hazards approach
- The review and promotion of Council’s public health emergency planning
- Continue to prepare for emergency events through raising community awareness on issues, including:
- Code Red preparedness – support clients about service changes in bush fire zoned areas on Code Red Days
- Prevention – Promote and encourage good personal hygiene and vaccination to help prevent the spread of diseases (eg. outbreaks/ pandemic)
- Preparedness – increase awareness of risks of extreme heat
- Enhance capability and capacity to respond to and recover from disasters by continuing to focus on the recruitment, retention, training, equipping and maintenance of personnel in all aspects of emergency management
- Continue to actively participate and contribute to the maintenance and ongoing development of the North West Metro Region Collaboration.
- Undertake a full review and statutory audit of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan.
- Continue to undertake emergency preparedness, response, relief and recovery activities in line with emergency management plans.
- Develop the next 4 year Electronic Gaming Policy & Plan
1.5 Enhance quality of life and connection through arts and culture
We will:
1.5.1 Provide opportunities for participation in creative activities.
1.5.2 Present and support a range of high quality arts experiences.
1.5.3 Create opportunities for lifelong learning; sharing knowledge and exploring new ideas.
1.5.4 Generate a sense of belonging by celebrating and preserving our shared heritage.
- Develop and implement opportunities to celebrate and preserve Council’s cultural and heritage assets – indigenous, cultural and environmental
- Prepare a draft Public Art Policy in consultation with the Banyule Arts and Culture Advisory Committee (BACAC).
- Continue to support the delivery of Major Festivals and associated programming.
- Encourage diverse community groups to engage in the development of the annual Arts and Cultural Program.
- Continue to support the Banyule Award for Works on Paper to increase its profile.
- Support local artists to develop their artistic practice through participation in Pinpoint Artists Network and professional development program.
- Continue to develop Hatch Contemporary Arts Space as the premier arts venue in Banyule and a valuable resource for the Banyule Arts community
- Explore opportunities for program development by holding an annual networking event with the Yarra Plenty Regional Library, Shop 48, Banyule's Neighbourhood Houses and Banyule U3A.
- Develop a revitalised 4 year Arts and Culture Plan 2017-2021
1.6 Stimulate business, employment and investment opportunities
We will:
1.6.1 Encourage and assist the development of small business and social enterprise.
1.6.2 Partner with agencies that support training and employment opportunities
1.6.3 Proactively lead employment opportunities for disadvantaged communities and people with disabilities.
1.6.4 Work in partnership with agencies that strengthen investment opportunities.
- Deliver small business support, including:
- Provide networking and training opportunities that respond to local business needs
- Work in partnership to provide one-to-one advice and planning and mentoring sessions
- Provide specialist small business support targeted towards particular groups, such as women in business and migrants
- Deliver an annual 'peoples choice' Banyule Business Awards program
- Explore opportunities for augmenting Council's role in the labour market (employment).
- Build a business focused social media presence.
- Maintain strong links with the Banyule Nillumbik Local Learning and Employment Network (BNLLEN).
- Maintain strong links through Council's membership with regional economic development agency NorthLink.
- Participate in and support regional activities including the Food and Beverage project within the Northern Region of Melbourne.
- Participate in a regional investment attraction project coordinated through NorthLink and 7 northern region councils.
- Assist in facilitating a range of environmentally focussed employment opportunities, for participants who are undertaking Work for the Dole or Greening Australia programs in Banyule.