
Interested to be more involved in the development of our new recreation plan?

Take a look at the information listed within the terms and if you're still up for it - complete the form so you can be considered as a member of the community reference group (the group).

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The purpose of the community reference group (the group) is to provide ongoing reference and representation of the community throughout the development of the recreation plan 2017-2021.


  • Provide information to Council on how they or their group currently uses our facilities and open space for formal and informal recreation activities.
  • Provide advice on future trends and recreation needs.
  • Provide ideas and thoughts on the recreation plan vision, objectives and goals.
  • Respond to and provide advice on the draft recreation plan 2017-2021.
  • Respectfully listen to the thoughts and ideas presented among the group.

Group composition and management

The group will be made of representatives from a broad range of recreational and sporting interests within Banyule.

  • Group chair: a current councillor (to be appointed).
  • Correspondence management: project contact, Lucia Brennan.
  • Meetings facilitated by: various staff.

Duration of appointment

The group will remain in place throughout the development of the recreation plan, approximately 8 months.

  • Commencement month: February 2017
  • Approximate conclusion month: October 2017

Member responsibilities

In order to fulfil the group objectives, members are expected to:

  • Provide current and accurate information.
  • Attend meetings
    • Approximately 3 meetings during the development of the plan.
    • Each meeting is expected to run for approximately 2 hours.
  • Consider Banyule in its entirety and also the broader community, when providing comment and feedback.

We are committed to providing a safe workplace for our employees, councillors and volunteers. Members of the group must:

  • Adhere to the Equal Opportunity Act 2010;
  • Refrain from discriminating, harassing or bullying other people and using offensive language in their capacity as a member of the group;
  • Adhere to the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004;
  • Have regard to the principles of health and safety; and
  • Contribute to the notion of a healthy and safe workplace.

Reporting procedure

The group is not a formal committee but rather a group established to assist with the collection and sharing of information and ideas to inform the recreation plan 2017-2021.

The information gathered will assist with the development the recreation plan to be presented to Council for consideration.

Our staff and/or appointed consultant(s) will record and publish meeting minutes.