Thank you for sharing your thoughts and helping us understand how and why you participate in sport and recreation and what's important to you!

Sport and Recreation play a key role in the health and wellbeing of our community.

Whether it's playing competitive sport, walking in the park or being part of a dance group, research shows that being active, connecting with others and spending time in nature positively impacts our physical, mental and emotional health.

To support Banyule community members to be more active, we are developing Active Banyule 2025 - 2029, a new Plan that focuses on increasing physical activity, sport and recreation across Banyule.

This engagement aims to understand the community's priorities, identify barriers to participation, and explore future opportunities for sports and recreation in Banyule.

View the 'community engagement' section below to read about what you told us during recent consultation activities.

Community engagement

From February to April 2024, we asked the community to share their thoughts on how and why they participate in sport and recreation and what's important to them.

671 people provided feedback through an online survey, either online or in-person at community events across Banyule.

View the full findings report or take a look at a summary of what we heard below.

What we heard

  • Top ways to stay physically active

    • Going to the gym or attending an exercise class
    • Participating in recreational activities (passive or active) such as walking
    • Participating in competitive or social sport
  • Top recreational activities

    • Walking
    • Going to the gym
    • Yoga and pilates
  • Top sport activities

    • Tennis
    • Basketball
    • Golf
  • Most common barriers for physical activity

    • 52% of participants said lack of time / limited access (time to participate)
    • 41% of participants said cost to participate

You also gave us some suggestions to remove barriers:

  • Offering low cost membership/participation fees
  • Introducing free activities to try and experience.
  • Increasing the availability of programs, classes and activities.
  • Improving maintenance and facilities at local sports clubs, gyms, swimming pools and bike paths.
  • Promoting inclusivity and diversity in sports clubs and activities.


What do we mean by sport and recreation?

A game, competition or activity requiring physical effort and skill with elements of competition or rules.

Physical activity is any activity that involves moving your body. It includes everyday activities, physically active play, and organised sports and exercise.

An activity that people engage in during their free time, that they enjoy, and recognise as having social value. Recreation is more than just sport. Examples include:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • Playing games
  • Dancing

Physical literacy is about building the skills, knowledge and behaviours that give us the confidence and motivation to lead active lives. It delivers physical, psychological, social and mental health and wellbeing benefits.

Active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines at work, school and home.

Activities that people do in their free time, that they enjoy, and that have a social aspect. They are commonly unorganized and non-competitive. Examples include:

  • Hiking
  • Bike riding
  • Dog walking

An activity for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment. The primary activity involves physical exertion, and the primary focus is on human activity. Examples include:

  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Gym workout

What we achieved

Recreation Plan 2017 - 2021

The Recreation Plan 2017 - 2021 supported delivery of the Banyule Community Vision 2041 priority theme 'Our Inclusive and Connect Community'.

Over the past five years, the Recreation Plan has delivered outcomes that have improved access and inclusion in our sports facilities, increased capacity of Banyule clubs and built participation and connection opportunities with community.

View the full achievements report, or take a look at our achievements under each goals:

Our community has equitable access to multipurpose, inclusive, accessible and sustainable facilities.

  • Upgrades to ten sports pavilions
  • Seven pavilion reconstructions to support female participation and inclusive use.
  • Lighting upgrades to 15 sports fields to accommodate increased demand for training times and improved lighting standards.
  • Implementation of 17 synthetic cricket wicket replacements and/or practice nets to meet Cricket standards for community competition.
  • Construction of tennis court lighting and resurfacing at 11 tennis facilities to improve standards and facilitate ‘Book a Court’ for broad community use.
  • Development of a five a side soccer pitch at Malahang Reserve, in partnership with Australian Sports Commission and Melbourne City Soccer, to support participation of young people in Heidelberg West.
  • Development of Sports Facility Capital Works Policy to provide a clear and consistent approach to the development and provision of new and upgraded sports facilities.
  • Development of outdoor netball courts at Seddon Reserve, West Ivanhoe and Nets Stadium, Macloed – in partnership with Macleod College.

Our community has knowledge and awareness of opportunities and feel supported in the delivery of recreation.

  • New Sporting Facilities User Guide and Allocation Policy adopted by Council to provide clarity around process, decision-making and expectations for use of seasonal sporting grounds and facilities.
  • Implementation of new online booking system (IMS) for sporting clubs to support self-service, automation and more effective management of the seasonal allocation process.
  • Provision of online training, sports forums and seminars to support club development, networking and capability building.

Our community can access and participate in diverse activities that enhance their wellbeing.

  • Introduction of Parkrun at Warringal Park with 1000 participants at launch and an average of 400 attendees per week.
  • Delivery of Nature Play Programs, including Star Gazing and Possum Prowl, averaging 400 attendees per event.
  • Delivery of annual free movies and music in the park over summer to encourage informal use of our parks and open spaces for leisure and entertainment.
  • Creation of Banyule Leisure’s Equity Program to assist people who experience disadvantage to access programs and services by subsiding participation costs to leisure facilities.

Our community is actively involved, has strong and connected sense of belonging.

  • Partnership with LaTrobe University Sports Park Indoor Stadium, ensuring access to the facility for the Banyule sports community. An average of 6400 hours annually for Banyule-based sports clubs.
  • Implementation of Book a Court system at seven tennis clubs to support broad community access at all times.
  • Provision of women only swim and gym at Olympic Leisure Centre
  • Delivery of Access All Abilities programs in partnership with Disability Sports Victoria and five Banyule sporting Clubs
  • Secured significant State Government funding to support implementation of sports infrastructure projects, including the development of three new sports pavilions and sports fields at a cost of
    $30 million from North East Link to support sporting clubs impacted with displacement.