A great effort and achievement by the ThinkTank over the past 6 months!

The Banyule Community ThinkTank have now completed their journey into understanding the challenges faced by Council and coming up with ideas to guide Council's work over the coming four years and beyond. You can read the highlights and summary reports below to find out more.

Watch the video below and hear what Banyule Community ThinkTank members have to say!

Session 4 Highlights

In Session 4 the ThinkTank finalised their efforts and presented their recommendations to Council.

By the end of Session 4, the ThinkTank developed and presented three key outputs to Banyule councillors.

  1. Revised Community Vision theme descriptions for each of the six Vision themes.
  2. Recommended priorities for Council to focus on for the next four years.
  3. Recommended principles to guide how Council does its work over the next four years.

The priorities and principles recommended by the ThinkTank are presented below. Read the Session 4 Summary report for more detail.

ThinkTank principles

Session 3 Highlights

In Session 3 the ThinkTank refined emerging priorities from Session 2.

Session 3 saw the ThinkTank doing a deep dive to refine the emerging priorities they came up with in Session 2 and consider what else should be included.

This included referring to information about what the community will look like in 2041 and understanding Council's role in addressing the different priorities.

Read the Session 3 Summary report for more detail.

Session 2 Highlights

In Session 2 the group received more information about Council's work and drafted some priorities and principles.

Council officer presentations focused on:

  • local government - our role and challenges
  • budget and finances
  • Council planning processes
  • consultation findings from Banyule Futures engagement this year.

Discussions focused on:

  • the six Community Vision themes
  • key strategies for each and challenges
  • emerging priorities for each theme.

Read the Session 2 Summary report for more detail.

Session 1 Highlights

During Session 1, the ThinkTank:

  • gained an understanding of their purpose and the group's remit
  • worked together to discuss and agree on guiding principles for working together during the ThinkTank process
  • received information about Council and the Community Vision
  • had the opportunity to reflect, discuss and ask questions about the presentations to help with their work going forward
  • worked together to refine and review the Community Vision theme descriptions based on what they heard.

Read the Session 1 Summary report for more detail.

Frequently Asked Questions