Banyule Futures is all about Council working closely with the community to plan for the next four years.

After receiving over 400 eligible expressions of interest, 55 people were randomly selected to become ThinkTank members.

The ThinkTank will meet 4 times between July and November 2024 to take a deep dive into the Community Vision, community priorities, concerns and key Council documents, before providing recommendations to help with Council's next Council Plan, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, Asset Plan, Financial Plan and Budget.

The ThinkTank includes people from all backgrounds and lived-experiences, essentially making up a 'mini-Banyule'. Take a look at the infographic below to see who makes up this diverse group and how they reflect the Banyule community.

More information about the selection process and ThinkTank membership can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions.

This is an image that breaks down the demographic of the ThinkTank members

Our targets were calculated using ABS population data to determine the percentage of representation required. Other data sources were used where ABS data was not available.

ThinkTank Next Steps

Where to from here?

The ThinkTank will meet for 24 hours of in-person sessions from July to November this year.

During this time, members will:

  1. Receive information and learn about the Community Vision and Council's business and key documents
  2. Discuss and weigh up the information presented including:
    • what we heard from the community through the surveys, pop-up discussions and workshops that took place in May and June 2024
    • statistical data and evidence from sources such as the Census and Living in Place survey.
  3. Agree on recommendations to make to Council to consider when planning key priorities for the next four years.

Session 1 - Introduction and Community Vision

Session 2 - Information and Ideation

Session 3 - Consolidation of thoughts

Session 4 - Recommendation preparation and presentation

Frequently Asked Questions