Project update
On 21 February 2020, a permit was issued for this project.
In March 2019 we asked for your comments on the proposed development. Thank you for your feedback, your comments were made available to Spec Property to assist them with any changes to the design as a result of your feedback.
During the community consultation period, 89 visitors viewed the planning application and documentation on Shaping Banyule and seven people provided written feedback online. Also, 11 people attended our community information session and were able to gain further information on the proposal.
Key themes raised throughout consultation included:
- concerns about the proposed building height (4-22 storeys)
- impact on neighbourhood character and real-estate market
- impact on local traffic (i.e. access and parking in local streets)
- noise and increased traffic during construction.
Overall, respondents liked the look of the apartments (including terraced design and landscaping and green space) and believed that there would be a positive long term impact on Bell Street which would benefit local businesses.
What is this development?
Spec Property have submitted a planning application to Banyule City Council for a major mixed-use development including apartments, offices and retail spaces on a consolidated site. The site incorporates the Evernew Caravan and Heidelberg Suzuki sites.
The development includes;
- Approximately 500 apartments across four buildings
- Preliminary design concepts for varying building heights from four storeys up to 22 storeys (including a rooftop garden)
- Approximately 650 car parks to service commercial and residential properties
- Vehicle access via Bell Street and laneways.
No, although a planning application has been lodged. The application is open to public notice and you can comment on the application before a decision is made. It is proposed to report this application to the Council Meeting of 5 August 2019.
The multi-use development will consist of apartments, offices and retailing space.
A planning application has been made to Council. A decision on the application has not been made. If Council decides to grant a permit, construction will commence within two years of the issue of that permit.
Where are we now?
What's proposed
Details of the proposal
The preliminary plans and documents prepared by the applicant are available below. There have been some changes to these plans and documents. View the formal application documents.
Have your say
Tell us what you think
The application has been put to formal public notice. You can make a comment on the application online on Council's website.