
Banyule Planning Scheme Amendment C153

15 January 2021

Approval of Banyule Planning Scheme Amendment C153

Banyule Planning Scheme Amendment C153 was prepared to implement rezoning and development of Banksia Village. It has been approved by the Minister for Planning with some changes, and is now included in the Banyule Planning Scheme to assist in guiding residential infill development opportunities in Bellfield.

The following changes were made to the final amendment of the Banyule Planning Scheme:

  • Rezone 96, 98 and 100 Oriel Road, Bellfield from PUZ6 and GRZ1 to RGZ2. This rezoning will allow a variety of housing types to be built on the land, including medium density housing and apartments.
  • Apply the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 8 to 96-100 Oriel Road and 232 Banksia Street. This provides detailed guidance on appropriate built form e.g., building density, setbacks, landscaping, and materials. This overlay will enable redevelopment as envisaged in the Bellfield Urban Design Guidelines.
  • Remove a Restrictive Covenant from land at 98 Oriel Road and 98A Oriel Road.
  • Updated the Municipal Strategic Statement and local policy to to make reference to strategic re-development sites, and make specific changes to the Residential Areas Framework Map to include 96, 98 and 100 Oriel Road, and 232 Banksia Street, Bellfield as a Diversity Area.
  • The amendment also corrects a formatting error in Design and Development Overlay 14 which occurred during the gazettal of C120bany

View copies of the approved changes.

The Banyule Planning Scheme Amendment C153 was exhibited from 10 October 2019 - 18 November 2019. Council considered all submissions received during the exhibition period at the Council Meeting on Monday 9 December 2019. Council resolved to continue to negotiate with submitters, before referring it to an independent Planning Panel for review.

Submissions made during exhibition were considered by a Planning Panel on 5 March 2020. The Panel Report and its recommendations were considered at the Council Meeting on Monday 27 April 2020. Council resolved to support the Panel recommendations and submit the amendment to the Minster for Planning for approval.

The amendment has since been approved and was included in the Banyule Planning Scheme on 18 December 2020.

For a copy of Amendment C153 contact Strategic Planning on 9457 9830 or email