
Project update - October 2020

30 October 2020

Works in Bellfield

As you may be aware, there is a lot happening in the Bellfield area at the moment, with works recently commencing at Ford Park and other projects commencing soon.

We are about to embark on a number of new and exciting redevelopment projects in the Bellfield area on land that includes part of the former Banksia LaTrobe Secondary College and other properties fronting Oriel Road. These projects include:

  • the delivery of a new Community Hub and a larger, relocated Community Garden;
  • an integrated housing redevelopment, which includes sale of land for the development of a mix of market housing; and
  • a social housing project on land adjacent to the new Community Hub.

Check out the aerial map for the location of these projects.

There is an information bulletin being prepared which will provide further details on all three of the Bellfield projects, as well as information on the significant improvement works currently underway at Ford Park. The update Bulletin will be issued in another three to four weeks.

In the meantime, this letter is to inform you of upcoming demolition works being undertaken at the former Hi City site at 98 Oriel Road, Bellfield which has been vacant for some time. The demolition works are due to commence next week and will be completed by mid-December 2020.

Further information

Further details on the projects being delivered at Bellfield can be found on the Shaping Banyule project page.

If you have any further questions regarding the Bellfield projects, please contact Lucy Rasdell, Manager Strategic Property, on 9457 9879.