
October 2022

28 October 2022

In line with section 30 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Amendment C107 was due to lapse on 29 October 2022. To allow more time for the proponent (Ecoline) to meet the Planning Panel’s recommendation for further discussions with the Wurundjeri Woi wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation an extension to the lapse date was considered by Council at its meeting on 26 September 2022. Council resolved to submit a request to the Minister for Planning for a 12-month extension to the lapse date for the amendment. An extension until 29 October 2023 was subsequently approved by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on 27 September 2022.

The extension to the lapse date was not a decision on the amendment. A further report to Council will be necessary, subject to resolution of cultural heritage matters, for final adoption and approval request to the Minister for Planning.

Watch the Council meeting or view the Council report and minutes from the 26 September 2022.