In February and March 2023, we ran an organisation-wide survey to identify tools for in-person engagement activities.

61 officers completed the survey, of which 71% said they will deliver in-person engagement over the next 12 months, confirming the need for an in-person engagement toolkit.

View the full findings report to read what we heard during the survey.

Project update

Following analysis of data collected through the survey, we identified 11 recommendations to establish a toolkit for teams to use during in-person engagement. The status of recommendations is listed below.


  • Recommendation 1 - Purchase iPads.
  • Recommendation 2 - Purchase Mentimeter account.
  • Recommendation 3 - Purchase feedback frames, A4 clipboards and whiteboard easels.
  • Recommendation 5 - Purchase stationery (as part of Recommendation 11).
  • Recommendation 7 - Work with the Communications Team on promotional materials.
  • Recommendation 8 - Purchase portable chairs and tables.
  • Recommendation 10 - Establish load system to borrow equipment.
  • Recommendation 11 - Implement community engagement boxes containing pens, hand sanitiser, sunscreen, clipboards, sticky notes, dots, tape, highlighters, markers, etc.


  • Recommendation 4 - Consider entertainment activities for kids.
  • Recommendation 6 - Purchase pull-up banners, table cloths, teardrop banners and marquees (purchased and waiting on new engagement artwork to finalise branding).
  • Recommendation 9 - Consider accessibility such as access to an AUSLAN application, portable hearing loop and a translation application.

What we heard

A snapshot of the data can be found below, or read the full findings report.

  • Technology

    71% of participants said they would use iPads and iPad stands, and 61% a display TV screen.

  • Data collection tools

    Over 70% said you would use A4 clipboards and 58% that you would use whiteboard easels.

  • Branded equipment

    77% said you would use branded pull-up banners, 64% branded tablecloths and 57% teardrop banners.

  • Furniture

    More than 70% said you would use portable tables and chairs, and 50% a branded marquee.

What we did

Desktop research was conducted to identify helpful tools for in-person engagement activities.

We also met with Darebin Council and Geelong City Council to understand the tools they use and the ones they perceive to be most valuable for their engagement practice.

Building on this research, an organisation‑wide survey was created on Shaping Banyule and distributed to all staff. This survey tested the ideas for tools identified during the initial stages of investigation.

View the full findings report to read what we heard during the survey.