Project update

The Community Climate Action Plan was adopted by Council on Monday 17 August 2020. We'd like to thank the community for their feedback.

What we did

After extensive consultation with the community through Shaping Banyule, pop-ups sessions, focus groups and at an Environment forum, we were able to develop our priority themes for the Community Climate Action Plan. During this time we also spoke to our Advisory Committees and external stakeholders such as Austin and Mercy Health, Sustainability Victoria, Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP), AusNET, Jemena and Public Transport Victoria. The consultation was necessary to build a plan where Council can advocate, educate and collaborate.

Here's what you said.

Plan snapshot

The Community Climate Action Plan outlines opportunities for emission reductions across Banyule.

The Plan sets out to:

  • Highlight what action is being taken
  • Provide guidance and information to key stakeholders (residents, schools, business and industry)
  • Highlight the action that Council will take to support and accelerate progress within these areas.

Council has committed to undertake action across the priority themes of:

  1. Build and broaden engagement
  2. Accelerate opportunities for renewable energy
  3. Increase energy efficiency
  4. Green buildings
  5. Low emissions transport
  6. The Circular Economy
  7. A climate adaptive and resilient Banyule
  8. Monitoring and evaluation

Our actions will provide an opportunity to create a thriving and responsive Banyule, one that is connected, inclusive and resilient.