Price Park
Price Park, Viewbank is a large reserve with interesting terrain and offers views to the Dandenongs and Lower Plenty. It contains a playspace and a circuit walking trail with a number of exercise equipment stations. It also has a centrally located fenced off-lead dog exercise area.
Improvement works to the fenced off dog park at Price Park have been completed.
The project scope of works included:
- additional features for dog exercise.
- improved areas for seating
- tree removal in line with the Master plan for the dog park.
Lighting at Price Park Dog Park
Dog park users expressed a need to light the fenced off, dog park area of Price Park. We heard from some members of the community that lighting was important to the dog park.
However, Council’s position has not changed and confirms that lighting will not be adopted. This decision is based on the findings of an independent ecological assessment study outlining the following reasons:
- Recent GPS studies demonstrate that Price Park is used by Powerful Owls, likely for hunting on arboreal and semi-arboreal mammals including ringtail possums and brushtail possums, both of which are present in Price Park.
- Powerful Owls are listed as Vulnerable in Victoria and as threatened under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.
- Powerful Owls spend most of their time hunting and roosting in dark parks and creek corridors, while rapidly passing over more brightly lit urban streetscapes, despite the presence of prey in these areas.
- Price Park provides a relatively dark ‘stepping stone’ connecting surrounding habitat at Banyule Flats, Gresswell Forest and Rosanna Parklands.
- The recent removal of vegetation as part of the North East Link Project increases the reliance of Powerful Owls on nearby habitat, including Price Park.
- As land managers, Council is obligated to observe the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 for the protection of threatened species.