Project update
We received some great community feedback during both stages of consultation for the renewal of these parks and play spaces. Thank you for your comments and suggestions through the online survey and from your emails.
Community engagement
Stage 2 engagement - What we heard
During December 2024, we consulted with the community for the renewal of Settlers Park Reserve North (Glen Katherine to St Helena), Settlers Park Reserve South (St Clems to Glen Katherine), Glen Katherine Drive Reserve and St Clems Reserve. Three people provided feedback through the online survey with two people providing feedback on St Clems Reserve and one person providing feedback on Settlers Park North (Glen Katherine to St Helena). No feedback was received for the other two reserves.
Settlers Park North (Glen Katherine to St Helena)
- Feedback: The community were generally happy with the proposed pathway and overall design. One respondent requested the inclusion of more play elements in the space.
- Response: We appreciate the positive feedback on the final concept design. It is important to note that the local area already contains similar play spaces so we have decided to keep this reserve as a nature play area, which aligns with the existing natural features and the original design vision.
St Clems Reserve
- Feedback: The community member expressed great satisfaction with the proposed design. They requested the inclusion of a basket swing.
- Response: We appreciate the positive feedback on the final concept design and we will consider incorporating a basket swing into the final design, if budget allows.
Construction works for the new play spaces at Settlers Park Reserve (North and South) are scheduled for mid - late 2025 and Glen Katherine Drive Reserve and St Clems Reserve will be update in the 2025 - 2026 financial year.
Click on the Reserve below to read about the park, what you told us during Stage 1 engagement activities and view the final concept design for your local park and play space.
Stage 1 consultation - What we heard
From August to September 2024, we consulted with the community and received great community feedback for the renewal of Settlers Park Reserve North (Glen Katherine to St Helena) playground.
15 people provided feedback through an online survey and direct emails to the Open Space Planning Team.
From the design options we provided, the log pile features have been incorporated into the final concept design emerging as a community favourite.
View the final design concept to see how your feedback was incorporated.
Key feedback highlights:
- New Path from St Helena Road to Glen Katherine Drive: Site topography and budget limitations, means this path will be delivered in two stages. First stage, from St Helena Road to the playground, will be constructed at the same time as the playground renewal. Second stage, from the playground to Glen Katherine Drive, will be completed 25/26 financial year.
- Basketball Court: We will be installing natural elements, rocks and boulders to act as a barrier to prevent mud from reaching the basketball court, to improve its usability.
Thank you for your input and collaboration on this project!
About the space
Settlers Park (Glen Katherine to St Helena) is in St Helena. This park is classified as a neighbourhood play space as outlined in playground classifications of our Public Open Space Plan 2016-2031. The reserve is central to St Helena Road, Dunbarton Drive, Halidon Close, Solway Court and Glen Katherine Drive, and can be accessed from all five streets. However, steeped access from Dunbarton Drive and St Helena can be challenging during wet seasons due to runoff water catchment in the middle of the reserve. The park space contains a playground, seatings, and a basketball court.
View the context plan for this reserve.
Your new play space
Considering the reserve's topography and natural vegetation, a local nature play playground is being proposed, offering children a diverse and engaging sensory experience. incorporating natural elements such as rocks, logs, sensory gardens, and more.
Key considerations for Settlers Park Reserve (Glen Katherine to St Helena) nature play play space are:
- Play experience and diversity - considering nature play elements and diversity of play.
- Connectivity - improving the location and layout of the seating so that it provides better connection to the playground.
Stage 1 consultation - What we heard
From August to September 2024, we consulted with the community and received great community feedback for the renewal of Settlers Park Reserve South (St Clems to Glen Katherine) playground.
16 people provided feedback through an online survey and direct emails to the Open Space Planning Team.
From the design options we provided, the hybrid court features have been incorporated into the final concept design emerging as a community favourite.
View the final design concept to see how your feedback was incorporated.
Key feedback highlights:
- Inclusion of Shade: Tree planting has been included as part of the playground renewal to provide natural shade for the area.
- Basketball Court: We will be installing natural elements, rocks and boulders to act as a barrier to prevent mud from reaching the basketball court, to improve its usability.
- Playground for Older Kids and Adults: This playground is designed to cater to older children and adults, while the St Clems playground on the opposite side of Glen Katherine Drive will cater to younger children.
Thank you for your input and collaboration on this project!
About the space
Settlers Park (St Clems to Glen Katherine) is in St Helena. This park is classified as a neighbourhood play space as outlined in playground classifications of our Public Open Space Plan 2016-2031. The reserve is central to Weidlich Road, St Clems Street, and Glen Katherine Drive, and can be accessed from all three streets. The park contains a playground, seatings, a concrete path with lighting along the reserve connecting Glen Katherine Drive to St Clems Street and a basketball court.
View the context plan for this reserve.
Your new play space
To ensure diverse open spaces and to accommodate the various age groups of children in the area, this site has been designated as an active play space specifically for children aged 10 - 16 years.
Key considerations for Settlers Park Reserve (St Clems to Glen Katherine) play space were:
- Play experience and diversity - considering diversity of play.
- Connectivity - improving the location and layout of the seating so that it provides better connection to the playground.
- Seating and functionality - provide better seating and a path connecting the basketball court to the playground.
- Landscaping and shade - providing additional trees for increased shade.
Stage 1 consultation - What we heard
From August to September 2024, we consulted with the community and received great community feedback for the renewal of Glen Katherine Drive Reserve playground.
9 people provided feedback through an online survey and direct emails to the Open Space Planning Team.
From the design options we provided, several popular features have been incorporated into the final concept design including a picnic table, which emerged as a community favourite. Classic play elements such as a swing, nature play features, and new benches have also been added.
Glen Katherine Dr Reserve will be constructed next financial year, so we will conduct a usage survey over the coming year. Since Settlers (North and South) playgrounds will be constructed this financial year and are close to Glen Katherine Dr Reserve, we want to monitor usage carefully to see if our proposed plan for Glen Katherine Dr Reserve is the best fit. Our goal is to use the budget wisely to ensure it benefits the community.
View the final design concept to see how your feedback was incorporated.
Key feedback highlights:
- New pathway: A new path will be constructed through the reserve, connecting Glen Katherine Drive to Covala Court.
- Inclusion of shade: Tree planting was included as part of the playground replacement to provide more natural shade to the space.
- Basketball court and toilet: a public toilets and basketball court is beyond the scope of this playground which is considered a pocket park.
Thank you for your input and collaboration on this project!
About the space:
Glen Katherine Drive Reserve is in St Helena. This park is classified as a Pocket play space as outlined in playground classifications of our Public Open Space Plan 2016-2031. The reserve has two access points, one from Covala Court and another from Glen Katherine Drive, both offering mostly flat and easy walking paths. The park contains playground and seating.
This park is included in the consultation packages due to its location and proximity to the other parks, allowing the community to have a broader perspective on the variety of functions the council is proposing for the area.
View the context plan for this reserve.
Your new park
To ensure diverse open spaces and to accommodate the various age groups of this community, this reserve will serve as a pocket park. It aims to foster social interaction and provide a quiet gathering place for the community, especially for older generations.
We are proposing benches placed strategically to facilitate communication, garden beds and additional trees planting.
Key considerations for Glen Katherine Drive Park were:
- Open space experience and diversity - considering diversity of open spaces.
- Connectivity - improving the location and layout of the seating so that it provides better connection to the park.
- Seating and functionality - provide better seating and a path along the reserve.
- Landscaping and shade - providing additional trees for increased shade.
Stage 1 consultation - What we heard
From August to September 2024, we consulted with the community and received great community feedback for the renewal of St Clems Reserve playground.
19 people provided feedback through an online survey and direct emails to the Open Space Planning Team.
From the design options we provided, several popular features have been incorporated into the final concept design including an in-ground trampoline, which emerged as a community favourite, as well as nature play features, new benches, and a picnic table.
View the final design concept to see how your feedback was incorporated.
Key feedback highlights:
- Inclusivity: The new play unit will be more inclusive and accessible, designed for children of all abilities.
- Basketball Court: The basketball court will remain its current size. A larger hybrid court, will be available for use at Settlers Park on the other side of Glen Katherine Drive.
Thank you for your input and collaboration on this project!
About the space:
St Clems Reserve is in Eltham North. This park is classified as a neighbourhood play space as outlined in playground classifications of our Public Open Space Plan 2016-2031. The reserve is central to Weidlich Road, St Clems Street, and Liddesdale Grove, and can be accessed from all three streets. The park contains aplayground, seatings, a concrete path along the reserve, a basketball court, and a small local parking area on St Clems Street.
This play space is included in the consultation package due to its location and proximity to the other parks, allowing the community to have a broader perspective on the variety of functions the council is proposing for the area.
View the context plan for this reserve.
Your new play space:
To ensure diverse open spaces and accommodate the various age groups of children in the area, this site has been designated as an all-age playground focusing on children aged 2 to 10 years. We are excited to continue to provide a high-quality playground experience at St Clems Reserve and value your support as we re-imagine the park for current and future users.
Key considerations for St Clems Reserve play space are:
- Play experience and diversity - considering diversity of play.
- Connectivity - improving the location and layout of the seating so that it provides better connection to the play space.
- Seating and functionality - provide better seating.
Play networks
A new play network for local parks and play spaces in North East precinct!
Play Networks are developed when several pocket or local playgrounds are located within walking distance of each other. Council will endeavour to create local play networks by strengthening connection between parks and play spaces.
In St Helena and Eltham North there are four parks within close proximity, two of which are located within 200 meters walking distance from each other.
- Settlers Park Reserve North (Glen Katherine to St Helena)
- Settlers Park Reserve South (St Clems to Glen Katherine)
- Glen Katherine Drive Reserve
- St Clems Reserve
We will be renewing these spaces, taking into consideration their location and strengthening their connection to provide the community with a high-quality experience. We will be adapting these spaces to meet the needs of this area, considering evolving demographics, usage and ensuring safety.