Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Banyule Gambling Harm Prevention Policy 2024-2028. The final document was adopted on Monday 29 April 2024.

At it's meeting, Council resolved that:

  • Where the Policy refers to preventing gambling advertising on Council-owned and operated community buildings that additional words are added which reflect "including leased and licensed facilities where possible and all libraries in Banyule.
  • Where the Policy refers to not holding council-run events and meetings in gambling venues, that additional words are added to include "privately owned gambling venues and to avoid other venues where possible.
  • Where the Policy refers to reviewing Council grants and awards programs to prevent Council funding being used to promote gambling activities, that additional words are added to include "and organisations that generate an income through gambling.
  • It was noted that a proposal to become a 'Leadership Council' with the Alliance for Gambling will be considered as part of the 2025/26 budget process.
  • Consideration of the Proposed Banyule Gambling Harm Prevention Policy 2024 - 2028, in particular the potential introduction of tighter planning controls regarding any proposed application for a new and/or additional Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs) in Banyule where a permit is required, with an aim to prevent the increase of EGMs in the municipality, in its review of the Planning Scheme by the future 2024 - 2028 Council.
To view the minutes from the 24 April Council Meeting, go to Council's website and refer to Item 4.2 in the minutes.

Community engagement

From 16 October to 26 November 2023, we consulted with the community on the scope, relevance and priorities areas in our draft Policy.

191 people provided feedback through a variety of engagement activities, including an online survey, pop-up sessions, a workshop and meetings with RSLs and Banyule's Advisory and Population Committees.

View the full consultation report or take a look below at a summary of what we heard below.

What we heard

  • 72% of respondents supported the draft policy.
  • Community perception of gambling was mostly negative, with concerns about its harmful, problematic and dangerous impacts.

The word cloud below demonstrates community perceptions, with the most frequently used words from people's survey responses shown as larger text:

Priority areas

* 0 = not important and 10 = most important.
  • Direct interventions

    Participants' average rating for this priority area was 7.68*.

  • Advocacy

    Participants' average rating for this priority area was 9*.

  • Planning

    Participants' average rating for this priority area was 8.78*.

  • Community wellbeing

    Participants' average rating for this priority area as 8.64*.

We also heard that:

  • the community is concerned about gambling in the Banyule community
  • the community wants to limit Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) access and see more regulation around gambling at a State level
  • online gambling was a concern overall
  • Council could support people to avoid gambling, by offering activities for people to connect socially at non gambling venues.


Gambling in Banyule

Gambling can impact anyone in our community, not just the gambler.

Research shows that gambling affects lower-income and vulnerable groups more than others, and for every problem gambler there are six people affected.

There are nine gaming venues and 634 electronic gambling machines (EGM) in Banyule. In 2022/23, losses to EGMs in Banyule were $57.2 million, equivalent to $568 per adult. Gaming venues are regulated by the Victorian State Government.

While gambling is legal, Council has a role under the Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 to take reasonable steps to prevent harm within the community, to advocate, to address gambling activities in Council-owned facilities and to educate and partner with local support agencies. We are one of many stakeholders with a role to play.

Gambling Policy

The Gambling Policy 2024 - 2028 will guide Banyule City Council's approach to preventing people from being harmed by gambling.

The Policy looks at the big picture of how gambling affects people in our community, and was developed following research, looking at what other Councils are doing, and talking with key stakeholders inside and outside Council. Check out the Discussion Paper to delve deeper into what we found out.

It also talks about the the growing issue of online gambling. While Council does not have much influence in this area, the draft Policy will support Council to keep an eye on the impact of online gambling and to work with others on advocacy projects.

Council supports the changes proposed by the Commonwealth Government, which are detailed in the report ‘You win some, you lose more’, announced in July 2023. The delivery of these changes a central to the draft Policy, including making sure the changes happen on time and are effective.