We asked for your help to improve open space along the rail line to encourage walking and cycling as a preferred mode of travel and strengthen amenity and aesthetic of the space.
Walking and cycling:
- reduces traffic
- reduces greenhouse emissions and environmental impacts
- increases community safety and cohesion
- improves community health and wellbeing
- supports local business.
By making improvements, we want to:
- make walking and cycling quick, convenient and easy
- increase connection and reduce delays
- develop a more complete network
- make walking and cycling inviting, interesting and pleasurable
- improve pedestrian and personal security
- strengthen signs and directions to help people find their way.
The Hurstbridge Feasibility Study also presents opportunities to improve the environment, landscaping and open space along the rail line. These improvements will be guided by three key design principals:
- Ecology - this principle focusses on biodiversity, habitat and visual improvement through the many aspects of landscape and open space design.
- Amenity - concentrating on local connectivity and access, cyclist facilities and engagement with community, this principle aims to improve the user experience though improved infrastructure.
- Safety - providing a safe environment for pedestrians and cyclists is key to success. This principle concentrates on clear open spaces, traffic speed reduction treatments and improved lighting.
You told us why open space and active transport are important to you and showed us where you would like improvements made.
Check out the opportunities, issues and options for potential cycling treatments for the area between Rosanna Station and Macleod Station.