
Project update

2 August 2022

In March/April 2022, we asked you to share your ideas and feedback to help us develop final recommendations for the Hurstbridge Feasibility Study. We received 374 contributions through an online survey and interactive maps. Thank you for your feedback.

We also asked you to complete two sentences... Here's what you said.

(Note: the bigger the word the more times it appeared in your feedback).

Q1: Open space and integrated landscaping are important to me because... the dominant themes were health and wellbeing, environment and environment protection, benefits to the community and for walking, dog walking and cycling.

Q2: Safe spaces to cycle and walk are important to be because... the dominant themes were health and wellbeing, safety and transport.

You also told us...

View the full findings report for a breakdown of feedback for each section of the Hurstbridge rail line.

It's now time to present The Hurstbridge Rail Feasibility Study to Council on Monday 5 September 2022.

Go to these links for information on the 5 September Council meeting, including meeting agenda, associated documents and the 'request to speak' form.