Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy and Action Plan 2020 - 2025
The Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy 2020 - 2025 and Inclusive Local Jobs Action Plan 2020 - 2025 were endorsed by Council on Monday 22 September 2020.
About the project
The Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy 2020 - 2025 and Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy Action Plan 2020 - 2025 outline our vision and plan to help provide a pathway for local people facing barriers in the workforce. This strategy aims to address barriers to employment and build opportunities for vulnerable communities in Banyule.
Employment helps build confidence and skills, creates connection with others, and provides opportunities and security for people, their families and their community.
Banyule’s local job prospects are good, and the overall unemployment rate is not significant compared with other municipalities. There are, however some groups in our community that do not have equal access to employment. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, culturally and linguistically diverse people (including refugees and asylum seekers), people living with disability and young people continue to face unacceptable barriers.
The development of the Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy 2020 - 2025 and the Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy Action Plan 2020 - 2025 has been informed by community consultation and research, driving the specific direction and priorities we will take.
The draft Strategy has four focus areas that demonstrate the role local government can play in supporting vulnerable community groups:
- Stimulate inclusive local employment opportunities
- Strengthen pathways to local labour force participation
- Grow business ownership and entrepreneurship
- Advance inclusive employment practices across the local government sector and private sector
The Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy Action Plan 2020 - 2025 sets out how we will deliver the Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy with specific actions that will lead to more inclusive and equitable employment.
The Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy 2020 - 2025 supports our Council Plan (2017-2021) and contributes to the vision of a ‘green, sustainable and vibrant place for a healthy, connected and inclusive community’. The Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy meets key directions under the Council Plan strategic objective 'People: Strong, Healthy and Inclusive Communities', and has links with several key initiatives across the Council Plan.
Our approach
The Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy 2020 - 2025 and Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy Action Plan 2020 - 2025 are the result of extensive research and community consultation including:
- Workshops with community members that have faced barriers to employment, employment service providers, subject matter experts, government and Council staff.
- Review of relevant international, national, state and local policy and plans.
- Review of information relating to barriers to economic participation and best practice in inclusive employment.
Have your say
Thank you for your feedback. Your comments will help us finalise the Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy 2020 - 2025 and the Inclusive Local Jobs Strategy Action Plan 2020 - 2025. Feedback is now closed.