Exciting news!
Construction of the new toilet block at James Reserve is currently underway and will be completed by late March 2025. Playground works will commence soon after to help with construction access.
Questions? For any construction related concerns or questions, please contact:
Michael Nardo, Project Engineer
9098 8002
Public toilet elevations
![Toilet elevation for new public toilet at James Reserve](https://hdp-au-prod-app-ban-shapingbanyule-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/5317/3709/0505/James_Res-_toilet_elevations-01_002.jpg)
What's next?
What's next for James Reserve?
Since its adoption in 2021 we have delivered a number of actions from the James Reserve Masterplan including upgrades to the soccer pitch irrigation and new lighting.
We will be delivering several more actions from the Masterplan in early 2025, including:
- a new playground (April 2025)
- new public toilets (near the existing cricket nets, adjacent to the new playground and path network) (Jan - March 2025)
- a new multi-purpose court with a rebound wall
- nature play
- seating
- a large shelter with picnic area, BBQ and bins
- improved access to the reserve (new steps from St Hellier Street and Alfred Street)
- new path (that runs to the south of the play space)
View the playground design.
The existing public toilets in James Reserve offered poor passive surveillance, safety, limited accessibility and a disconnection from the existing playground area. The new toilets will be located near the existing cricket nets and adjacent to the new playground area and path network. This new location varies from the adopted Masterplan as there is an opportunity to provide a strong connection between the play space and the proposed toilets. Other contributing factors include budget constraints and the major redevelopment of the Soccer Pavilion (Action 25 in the Masterplan) which is unlikely to be completed in the foreseeable future due to funding constraints and the demand for this major upgrade. Banyule is currently designing a smaller refurbishment to the existing pavilion focusing on the inclusion of female friendly facilities, which will be delivered in 2025/26.
The playground is inspired by the popular children’s book ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. Users will play and explore the play space as if on a bear hunt while interacting with a new play unit, swings, nature play, a dry creek bed and some fun and exciting bear hunt themed activities, including a bear sculpture.
We look forward to delivering a play space that includes a new and improved area for the local community.
Research and engagement
In 2020 we commissioned a study for a Masterplan to guide the future development of James Reserve in Heidelberg Heights. We undertook extensive consultation with James Reserve user group, the community and Council officers. Household surveys and interactive maps were used to collect ideas and suggestions from over 154 community members that was incorporated into the final Masterplan.
The James Reserve Master Plan will guide the development of James Reserve.
Improvements completed include:
- Lighting
- Irrigation
Upcoming improvements include:
- Playground upgrades including nature play
- Facilities including change rooms, toilets and sports pavilion
- Sporting opportunities (informal Futsal and Netball)
- Fencing
- Landscaping/planting
- Accessibility
The James Reserve Master Plan will be implemented in alignment with budget and funding allocation.
Heidelberg Heights has the third highest population density in Banyule and its population and housing density is projected to increase substantially in the coming years. The suburb has limited access to parks and reserves and there is a need to improve both the quality of and access to, existing public open space. Our commitment to public open space, participation and place is captured in both our Public Open Space Plan (2016-2031) and Council Plan 2021 - 2025; James Reserve has been highlighted in the Public Open Space Plan (2016-2031) for improvement.
James Reserve is a 1.5 hectare neighbourhood park located in the suburb's south in proximity to Bell Street and Upper Heidelberg Road. Existing park facilities include play equipment, half basketball court, cricket net, soccer pitch, fencing, public toilets and pavilion. The site includes a mix of native and exotic mature trees located towards the periphery of the site. James Reserve is home to the Heidelberg Eagles Soccer Club and used by the surrounding community for passive recreation.
James Reserve is a well-loved park which is in need of an upgrade. It is anticipated that James Reserve will increase in popularity due to population growth in the area and we need to plan for this now.
In 2020, we asked for your thoughts on the James Reserve Master Plan concept design, with the aim to create a vision for James Reserve that will give us a safe, attractive and functional park catering for both active and passive recreation.
The James Reserve Master Plan will guide the development of James Reserve.