Project update
We received some great community feedback for the renewal of Montmorency Park playground through an online survey and emails directly to the Open Space Planning Team. Thank you for your comments and suggestions about the space. The design was well received by the community and they felt it targeted their needs.
Some discussion points were:
- Shelter: We received a few request for a shelter. This playground upgrade does not have scope for a shelter however we have provided a number of picnic tables and seats for resting and gathering.
- Trampolines We received requests for an inground trampoline. The budget did not allow for this inclusion. We have provide activities for a mixed range of ages and the climbing ropes are a great alternative.
The Montmorency Park playground upgrade is now complete and is open to the community.
See what we did
About the space
Montmorency Park is a medium reserve located in Para Road Montmorency.
This park is classified as a neighbourhood play space as outlined in playground classifications of our Public Open Space Plan 2016-2031. The park sits between Para Road and the Plenty River and is well connected to the Plenty River Trail. It contains two football/cricket ovals, a play space, BBQ facilities and car parks.
Parks classified as neighbourhood play spaces are usually medium to substantial sized playgrounds, catering for a range of age groups and abilities.
The playground is well used by local families and those visiting the sports fields.
- Play Networks: where there are several pocket or local playgrounds located within walking distance of each other, Council will endeavour to create a local play network by strengthening connection between playgrounds.
- Play Diversity: Council will work towards providing a complete range of play experiences in each precinct. When designing, upgrading or replacing playgrounds, we will give consideration to the types of play experiences already available in the neighbourhood and include play experiences currently not available locally.