Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Public Realm Framework.

Your feedback was used to help shape the final document, which was adopted by Council on Monday 24 June 2024.

To view a recording of the Council Meeting and the meeting minutes, go to Council's website. The Public Realm Framework was item 6.1 on the agenda.

Community engagement

From 21 November 2023 to 26 February 2024, we consulted with the community on our first Public Realm Framework and asked them to help shape the future of our public spaces.

80 people provided feedback through an online survey. We also heard from community through a variety of other engagement activities including:

  • information sessions, both online and in-person
  • presentations and discussions with Banyule's Advisory and Population Committees
  • online information sessions and discussions for feedback with the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Corporation.

View the full consultation report or take a look below at a summary of what we heard below.

What we heard

What the community told us about Banyule's Public Realm:

  • Community priorities

    The following were identified by community during the consultation as public realm priorities:

    • preservation of diversity
    • accessibility
    • inclusion
    • sustainability.
  • Vision Statement

    49% of respondents supported the Vision Statement, and 39% supported it somewhat. 12% did not support Vision Statement.

  • Changes and inclusions

    The community highlighted the need for the following changes:

    • change the name of the document from 'Strategy' to 'Framework'
    • adjust layout to make more accessible
    • remove complex terminology
    • add biodiversity objectives.


The Public Realm Framework

Banyule's Public Realm Framework is a plan to make our public spaces better. It's the first Framework of its kind in Banyule, and will help us to create great public spaces that are more enjoyable and functional, help to boost community wellbeing and economic development, and improve our overall quality of life.

Our Public Realm Framework is a road map for our public areas. It will tell us how we want these places to be, the things we need to do to deliver, and the coordination needed from Council teams to be strategic and spend wisely to create spaces that everyone can enjoy.

The Public Realm Framework is important for creating vibrant and inclusive communities because public spaces are not just parks and streets – they're places for gathering, connecting, participating with others and with our surroundings.

Framework Objectives

The objectives of the Public Realm Framework are informed by the six themes in our Community Vision 2041.

Public realm that supports a safe, healthy, vibrant and connected community where people of all ages, gender and life stages can enjoy; that are diverse and inclusive, so the community feel valued and encouraged. This includes incorporating Wurundjeri story telling in consultation with Elders.

Create progressive and innovative public realm that protects, enhances and increases the health and diversity of our natural environment, and plays an active role in achieving environmental sustainability and climate resilience.

Well planned, sustainable and liveable public realm that caters for all our current and emerging communities, where our local character and environment is protected and enhanced.

Affordable, sustainable, evenly distributed, safe and accessible public realm infrastructure for all ages and abilities and designed to provide meaningful experiences and connections.

Public realm that supports a thriving and resilient local and integrated economy that encourages, supports and advocates for a diverse range of businesses and entrepreneurship.

Public realm that is supported by a responsive, innovative and engaged Council that has the trust of our community through demonstrated best practice governance, is financially sustainable, and advocates on community priorities and aspirations.

Framework Drivers

The drivers are key considerations embedded into the Framework that influence the public realm:

Council is committed to assist to promote, protect and preserve their identity and culture, and supports the rights of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people, the Traditional Custodians of this land, to provide advice and participate in Council planning and decision making.

The Public Realm Framework supports community members of all genders. To promote gender equality through gender-sensitive design in public spaces and implement safe, accessible, functional and inclusive public spaces that create a sense of place in Banyule.

Universal Design considers the diverse needs of our community. It recognises our older population, caregivers with prams, those who rely on shopping trolleys, culturally and linguistically diverse individuals and our spaces that accommodate a multitude of people.

Community safety is about creating spaces in Banyule where everyone, regardless of gender, age, ability, background, or circumstance, can reside, work, or visit without fear, harm, or injury. This commitment extends to reducing and preventing crime while fostering a sense of safety through strong, inclusive, and tightly-knit communities.

For the Banyule community, sustainably designed environments benefit human and environmental health, and often include social and economic benefits. Council is committed to creating an environmentally sustainable city.

Biodiversity simply refers to the diversity of living things and should be protected, as all forms of life rely on healthy, functioning natural systems. Protecting and enhancing biodiversity is an important component in achieving our Council Plan’s vision of ‘a green, sustainable and vibrant place for a healthy, connected and inclusive community.’