Wetland works complete!
Wetland reset works were delivered as part of the Redmond Court Wetlands Reserve upgrade. Works were completed mid 2024 and included:
- reconstructing the existing concrete pond pit to improve water quality and level
- construction of a three (3) metre wide boardwalk from the existing viewing area to the pit, to help maintain the pit and enhance the viewing area
- additional minor works in the wetland to improve functionality
- replacement of the garden beds between Redmond Court and Luton Way
- tree inspection and maintenance
- planting and tidying up of the wetland central bank and verges
- replacement of fencing and gating around the Wetland.
View pictures below of the wetland reset works.
A nature play area was also delivered as part of the Redmond Court Wetlands Reserve upgrade. The nature play area was completed in March 2022 and included:
- a dry creek bed
- a timber tee-pee
- a tree trunk tunnel
- log steppers and log edging
- picnic tables and seating
All the logs used in the design came from our timber re-purposing program, where we reuse and re-purpose timber from trees that have fallen in the Banyule area.
View pictures below of the completed nature play area.
About the project
Redmond Court Wetland Reserve sits at the south side of College View residential development, Bundoora, south of Parade College, and is approximately 1 km east of Darebin Creek.
The Wetland was constructed around 2001 as part of the College View residential development. Covering a total area of 1.2 hectares, the wetland treats stormwater runoff from a 54.8 hectare catchment, including the Parade College school grounds.
The Reserve is now due for an upgrade to fix current functional issues. The project aims to improve our waterways and refresh the parkland for all community members.
At the start of 2023, contractors removed a large amount of silt from the Sedimentation Pond. This allowed us to better understand the works required for the remaining wetland. The stormwater diversion was removed, and stormwater was directed into the wetland over the winter period to help manage potential localised flooding.
While an earlier design included a floating wetland to reduce the footprint of the wetland, this feature has subsequently been removed. Delivery of the scheduled works from January to April 2024 will continue to meet the project aims of improving our waterways and refreshing the parkland.