Your views - Older Adults Strategic Plan

We are interested in knowing your thoughts on the goals and strategic directions and any other comments you may have. All feedback to be received by 22 September 2017.

We are asking you 2 key questions.

  • Your level of agreement with each of the 9 Goals and Strategic directions of the Plan. (1 Thumbs up means you strongly disagree and 5 thumbs up means you strongly agree.)
  • How you rank the 9 goals in order of priority to you!

1. Social Participation

Goal: Older residents are encouraged to, and have opportunities to, participate in the community.

  • Build the capacity of older adults during times of life transition to navigate their changing world.
  • Provide opportunities for social participation and for meaningful social roles.
  • Provide leadership and support to clubs and activities for older adults.
  • Reduce the barriers which can lead to social isolation.

2. Civic Participation and Employment

Goal: Older residents are actively involved in the community.

  • Seek the contribution of older residents through Council's community engagement.
  • Advocate for the generation of employment opportunities that include older residents.
  • Assist older residents to participate in volunteer activities.
  • Encourage opportunities for lifelong learning including understanding of technology.

3. Ageism and Respectful Inclusion

Goal: Older residents are valued and the community benefits from their contribution.

  • Lead respectful inclusion of older residents in matters that are of value to them.
  • Ensure that Council staff are provided with training on ageing issues.
  • Combat ageism through a contemporary understanding of ageing in the community.
  • Raise community awareness on issues of ageism and the need for respectful inclusion.

4. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

Goal: Older residents have access to pleasant, safe and healthy environments.

  • Provide outdoor infrastructure to support older residents connections to their local community.
  • Maintain open spaces to support older residents connections to their local community.
  • Provide community facilities to support older residents connections to their local community.
  • Encourage local retailers to develop age-friendly shopping environments.

5. Transportation

Goal: Older residents are able to easily move about Banyule to participate in the community and have access to services.

  • Advocate for transport infrastructure to support older residents connections to their local community.
  • Encourage older residents to use a range of transport options including walking, cycling and public transport use.
  • Provide parking management in and around activity areas to support older residents with impaired mobility.

6. Housing

Goal: Older residents have a range of housing options to meet their needs.

  • Encourage initiatives which provide older adults with a range of housing options in their local area.
  • Support older adults to remain independent through encouraging appropriate housing design, home modifications and maintenance.

1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree

7. Healthy Ageing

Goal: Older residents have opportunities to maintain and improve their health and wellbeing.

  • Provide opportunities for older residents to participate in exercise.
  • Encourage older residents to improve their nutrition.
  • Raise awareness and support activities which will assist older residents who may be experiencing depressed mood and stress.
  • Raise awareness and support activities which will prevent violence and injury to older residents.

8. Community Support and Health Services

Goal: Older residents have community support and health services available to meet their needs.

  • Ensure older residents have access to local services that are older adult centred and provide integrated care.
  • Raise awareness and support activities which will assist unpaid carers within the Banyule community.

9. Communication and information

Goal: Older residents are able to easily access information about their community and services.

  • Remove the barriers in Councils communication technologies which impact on older residents access.
  • Make information available in formats which are accessible and understandable by older residents.

Goal Ranking

1 is the highest priority and 9 is the lowest priority. Simply drag the goals from the right and place them in your order of priority.

  1. Social Participation #
  2. Civic Participation and Employment #
  3. Ageism and Respectful Inclusion #
  4. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings #
  5. Transportation #
  6. Housing #
  7. Healthy Ageing #
  8. Community Support & Health Services #
  9. Communication and information #
Age Group

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.