What is the Revenue and Rating Plan?
The Revenue and Rating Plan 2023-27 outlines how Banyule Council will generate income to build our Budget and deliver the Council Plan and Community Vision 2041. It considers:
- how we generate income through rates
- service charges that are applied on services such as waste or recycling
- fees and charges for services and programs
- contributions from developers
- revenue generated from Council assets
- grants from other governments.
Rates Hardship Assistance Policy
The purpose of the Rates Hardship Assistance Policy is to give Council the ability to provide financial review to ratepayers who are experiencing hardship due to circumstances that impact their ability to pay rates and charges. The policy provides an overview of:
- eligibility for assistance
- the criteria and points system for assessing hardship and providing support
- the difference between a 'waiver' and 'deferral' of rates and charges
- payment plans.
The opportunity to give feedback on the Hardship Policy was provided alongside the Budget, Revenue and Rating Plan and Council Plan due to the impact the Policy has on revenue and the funding of Council services and supports.