Following community engagement in February and March 2023, the draft Year 3 Action Plan for Banyule's Council Plan (XXXUPLOAD AND HYPERLINK DOCUMENT ON 30/5XX) has been finalised by Council officers and is available for your review and comment until 6 June 2023.
The Year 3 Action Plan responds to a range of considerations including:
- integration with Banyule’s Health and Wellbeing Priorities and Climate Action Response
- strategic planning discussions linked to the annual review of the Budget, Capital Works and Initiatives Programs, and other key plans
- elements from other plans and policies adopted by Council
- resourcing through the Budget
- the impacts of COVID-19 and other unforeseen circumstances
- feedback received from you during community engagement.
For a full record of what we did and what you told us during engagement activities in February and March this year, check out the findings report.
Following deliberative engagement and consultation with Banyule community members in 2021, our four-year Council Plan was adopted by Council.
In preparation for the new financial year, Council is preparing its Year 3 Action Plan.
The plan lists actions and services to take the work of Council further towards achieving Banyule's Community Vision 2041, and covers everything from delivering community events, strengthening and delivering community services, developing and implementing strategies and supporting us to reduce waste and carbon emissions.
Actions in sit under the six priority themes from the Community Vision:
- Our inclusive and Connected Community
- Our Sustainable Environment
- Our Well-Built City
- Our Valued Community Assets and Facilities
- Our Thriving Local Economy
- Our Trusted and Responsive Leadership