4.1 Engage meaningfully with our community and encourage participation in issues and opportunities

We will:

4.1.1 Increase engagement with our community and draw on their strength, skills and knowledge to address local challenges and opportunities.

4.1.2 Provide a range of inclusive opportunities for people to participate in engagement.

4.1.3 Enhance our relationship and work in respectful partnership with the traditional custodians of Banyule, the Wurundjeri people, identified elders and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

4.1.4 Show how community input has helped shape our decisions and direction.

  • Continue to implement the MetroAccess Community Building Plan in line with the Victorian Government's State Disability Plan and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) roll-out
  • Co-ordinate and deliver Community Development and local RSL grant programs
  • Strengthen the delivery of early years, youth and family services through community partnerships
  • Work with young people in order to build their capacity to participate and meaningfully engage in decision making in the local community, celebrate and highlight positive youth culture
  • Work collaboratively with local service providers and the community to facilitate better outcomes for older people in Banyule (eg. Age-friendly Advisory Committee and the Banyule Aged Service Network)
  • Support older residents through the Age-friendly Champion Program to be active participants in the process of planning and implementing actions which will enable people to stay connected to their community as they age.
  • Lead, support and improve Council's community engagement and consultation processes to ensure that the views and needs of the community are reflected in Council's prioritisation and service delivery (including technology opportunities)
  • Develop and implement the next 4 year Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Plan, which reflects Council’s stated commitment to Indigenous Australians and current community aspirations.
  • Provide and promote services and opportunities that are available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders across the municipality
  • Continue to plan and deliver Banyule’s Youth Services consultation and partnership initiatives, including:
    • Youth Summit 2017/2018
    • YouthFest 2017.
  • Review Council's Inclusion, Access and Equity Framework (IAEF) and develop and implement the next 4 year plans for:
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Plan
    • Disability & Inclusion Plan
    • LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Intersex) Plan
    • Multicultural Plan
  • Support Council's Advisory Committees to enable broader participation in Council’s planning processes.

4.2 Advocate for our community

We will:

4.2.1 Work in partnership with community, groups, local agencies and different levels of government to advocate for improved services, infrastructure and social outcomes

4.2.2 Work with the community to identify and plan for key advocacy issues

4.2.3 Pursue appropriate and sustainable funding and service arrangements with state and federal government to minimise cost shifting.

  • Actively participate in the review of the Local Government Act 1989
  • Represent to our community the effects of cost shifting from other levels of government and its impact on Banyule
  • Develop partnerships with State and Federal Government, key commercial and community organisations, to seek funding for the development of programs, services and facilities
  • Engage with the community to identify key advocacy priorities that represent community needs
  • Consider key issues raised by Council's Advisory Committees to inform prioritised advocacy efforts
  • Focus advocacy endeavours on transport and traffic issues identified as a key community concern based on extensive community consultation and feedback
  • Actively engage with State agencies to review documentation and plans related to major State traffic and transport projects impacting Banyule as a means to advocate for improved and safer access to our activity and neighbourhood centres, including:
    • Lower Plenty Road level crossing removal
    • Hurstbridge railway line upgrade
  • Advocate to other levels of government for funding towards the growing demand for playgroups in Banyule
  • Work with our community and other levels of government to pursue opportunities for women to participate in sport
  • Continue advocacy efforts to address problem gambling
  • Support the work of the Banyule Nillumbik Youth Services Network (BNYSN) and other key strategic collaborative networks to improve services for young people
  • Continue to advocate to Government and key organisations for improved outcomes for people in Banyule who are aged or have a disability (eg. Community Transport, Commonwealth Aged Care Reforms and National Disability Insurance Scheme)
  • Continue to advocate to government agencies for the appropriate upkeep of non-council owned open space including: Parks Victoria land, Vic Roads reserves, and Melbourne Water reserves.

4.3 Communicate effectively with our community

We will:

4.3.1 Improve the reach, impact and responsiveness of our communications

4.3.2 Provide transparent and timely information about Council.

  • Implement actions from the Communications Strategy 2017-2021
  • Continue development of Council’s website and digital communications
  • Continue to engage with the community through a targeted ‘out and about’ program.
  • Further develop communication and promotion strategies for specific services and projects, including:
    • Improve marketing and promotion of programs and services that support Banyule in being an Age-friendly city (eg. improve website linkages to other services, signage on Council buses)
    • Promote Aged & Disability Services to improve understanding of services, quality and future directions in Aged Care
    • Develop neighbourhood based communication methods to better explain, promote, listen and consult on our services
    • Improve communication of major projects, services and events to inform the community about what we are doing and how we are doing it
  • Communicate environmental achievements through internal and external publications and presentations
  • Continue to explore and utilise existing and emerging technologies to maximise the reach, impact and responsiveness of our communications, including:
    • Facilitating a greater presence in social media and our ability to engage in this area which continues to be a significant challenge
    • Enhancing the accessibility for our community to engage using our new web based portal “Shaping Banyule” to ensure Banyule is able to maintain responsive service delivery
    • Continue to ensure Council’s platforms remain relevant in the communication and engagement space, with the ever-changing face of IT solutions