3.1 Preserve and improve Banyule as a great place to live, work and play

We will:

3.1.1 Enable planning that balances appropriate development with existing neighbourhood character and the need for growth areas.

3.1.2 Encourage sustainable development and greater diversity of housing in appropriate precincts.

3.1.3 Encourage the community to contribute to the greening of Banyule.

3.1.4 Create Age-friendly places and spaces that encourage people of all ages to stay connected to their community.

  • Uphold the principles as set out in Banyule’s Neighbourhood Character Strategy and work with and advise new applicants on the best way in which to sensitively develop property in Banyule, including:
    • Improve communication to residents and developers in relation to neighbourhood character outcomes
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the Neighbourhood Residential Zone in the Banyule Planning Scheme and consider implications from any government review of this zone.
  • Continue planning, development and implementation of Council’s activity centre parking plans, including Planning Scheme Amendments (PSA) for Parking Overlays in Ivanhoe and Greensborough.
  • Continue to apply Council’s environmental sustainable development (ESD) policy that is now in the Banyule Planning Scheme and continue advocacy with other councils for further improvements to the Victorian planning system.
  • Continue to apply Council’s Liveable Housing Guidelines to improve the accessibility of new housing.
  • Continue planning with the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) for the LaTrobe National Employment and Innovation Cluster for:
    • Land use and transport planning framework for the Cluster
    • Economic development for the Heidelberg West Industrial Estate
    • Housing renewal and diversity for Heidelberg West, including co-housing
    • Reimagined Heidelberg Railway Station Precinct and a reviewed Heidelberg Structure Plan.
  • Participate and pursue Planning Scheme Amendments to implement the outcomes of continued planning with the VPA.
  • Continue planning with the Government for the Yarra River’s corridor, including participating in any:
    • Planning Scheme Amendment for any revised controls to better protect the corridor.
    • Changing governance arrangements for the corridor’s future planning and public land management.
  • Review the Planning Scheme to improve the efficiency of decision making that is aligned with Council policies, strategies and plans for land use and development.
  • Continue to apply universal design (access for all) principles to Council’s infrastructure and facilities, including: council buildings, furniture and furnishings, and public toilets.

3.2 Renew and maintain Banyule’s public assets and infrastructure

We will:

3.2.1 Renew and maintain Council owned buildings so they continue to be at appropriate standards, ensuring their long term sustainability and efficiency.

3.2.2 Renew and maintain roads, drains and other infrastructure to a standard which ensures public safety and protects the natural environment.

  • Maintain and further enhance the city’s streetscapes and parkland trees for future generations
  • Deliver a program of pavilion improvements, including:
    • Telfer Reserve - car park construction
    • Anthony Beale Reserve pavilion - stair and deck works
    • Loyola Reserve pavilion redevelopment.
  • Develop and deliver Infrastructure Assets Renewal Programs and reduce our renewal gap
  • Look to maintain and improve our local road network infrastructure, including:
    • Deliver our Local Roads Re-sheet and Rehabilitation program to improve over 30 roads
    • Conduct line marking in conjunction with road re-sheets and design and construct bicycle parking facilities to improve bicycle travel opportunities
    • Deliver improvement initiatives for localised traffic infrastructure and pedestrian and school crossings
    • Continue the Roads to Recovery program
    • Seek Federal Government support in local roads initiatives through the Roads to Recovery - Federal Government Funding for Road Renewal program
  • Continue to implement the Street Tree Planting Plan (a sub-plan of the Urban Forestry Policy and Strategic Plan)
  • Work with community groups and organisations to support appropriate community-based environmental initiatives such as a tree planting days
  • Maintain our existing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) assets
  • Implement a revised delivery service to improve drainage maintenance based on outcomes of recent service reviews.
  • Improve monitoring and reporting processes of the street sweeping program.
  • Deliver the accelerated Footpath Construction Program with an increased focus on footpath renewal
  • Ensure important high pedestrian traffic areas such as activity centres are maintained and developed for the benefit of local businesses and the safety of our local community
  • Progress designs for the Macleod Health and Fitness Centre Master Plan

3.3 Invest in and support activity centres and employment precincts

We will:

3.3.1 Support and maximise opportunities provided through the La Trobe Employment Cluster project to deliver enhanced liveability and economic activation

3.3.2 Monitor and respond to the vitality of our retail, entertainment and commercial precincts

3.3.3 Work in partnership with trader associations and business to build their capacity, independence and success

3.3.4 Support activity centres to enhance their identity and ability to respond to challenges and opportunities

  • Contribute toward the development of a Heidelberg West Industrial Estate Structure Plan.
  • Work with the State Government and other key partners to maximise the outcomes and opportunities associated with the emerging La Trobe Employment Cluster.
  • Further develop and strengthen the capacity of our traders associations to manage their associations and engage meaningfully with businesses and Council.
  • Finalise the Banyule Economic Information Base and implement business investment, retention and attraction initiatives
  • Implement Year 3 actions of the Banyule Economic Development Plan.
  • Explore further opportunities for Community Hubs which are inclusive of Aged Services, and which reflect the principles of Age-Friendly Banyule
  • Implement actions of the Banyule Economic Development Plan
  • Continue to support local shopping centres through the Special Rates and Charge schemes
  • Continue shopping centre maintenance and beautification, including:
    • Commence Heidelberg Central streetscape design works
    • Progress designs for the beautification of Rosanna Village
    • Shopping Centre and Toilet Cleaning improvements
  • Develop greater rapport with local real estate agencies to deliver improved retail and commercial mix outcomes within each of Banyule's activity centres
  • Implement investment attraction initiatives that position Banyule’s business precincts as vibrant and competitive commercial centres.

3.4 Provide great public and open spaces

We will:

3.4.1 Provide and maintain beautiful open space across Banyule for a range of uses and activities

3.4.2 Provide and maintain public spaces that have quality and accessible public amenities

3.4.3 Provide suitable spaces for the community to gather and look for opportunities for new and shared spaces and facilities.

  • Implement the renewed Open Space Strategy (Strategic Plan), including:
    • Complete the planning scheme amendment for the Open Space Strategy
    • Provide further input to the Victorian Planning Authority’s work on a metropolitan open space strategy
  • Manage Council’s open spaces, including:
    • Maintain fire hazards, traffic areas, road reserves, and ovals
    • Implement the Pedestrian Bridge Replacement program, including:
      • Replace Banksia Street pedestrian bridge in partnership with neighbouring council
      • Conduct a survey, investigation and design for Olympic park bridge
      • Replace decking on the suspension bridge connecting Greensborough Park with Whatmough Park.
      • Replace components such as handrails, decks, and sub-structures
  • Continue implementation of the Ford Park Masterplan, including detailed design for the family activity area.
  • Continue to deliver a co-ordinated across Council approach to dealing with the increasing problem of rubbish dumping in parks and other public places
  • Maintain and improve equipment for sporting facilities, including:
    • Deliver the all seasons cricket pitch replacement program (synthetic sports pitches)
    • Designs for replacement of the Willinda Park Athletics Track synthetic surface
    • Replacement of baseball cages at Elder Street Reserve, Watsonia
    • Replacement of Cricket Nets at Cartledge Reserve
  • Continue to investigate the options for smoke free areas within the municipality
  • Assess new opportunities for improving access to existing spaces and facilities
  • Ensure that planning and development of Banyule’s public and open spaces is informed by the principles of Age-Friendly Banyule
  • Increase, enhance and improve public open space where appropriate to cater for Banyule’s projected increases in population growth and density.
  • Continue with the implementation of the Olympic Park Masterplan

3.5 Support sustainable transport

We will:

3.5.1 Deliver integrated transport solutions

3.5.2 Provide shared trails that help to link key public open spaces and community facilities

3.5.3 Encourage walking, cycling and public transport use

3.5.4 Improve parking management in and around activity areas.

  • Implement the appropriate actions identified in the Banyule Integrated Transport Plan which:
    • Describes Banyule’s vision for transport across the city
    • Sets out the actions Banyule is undertaking to realise this vision
    • Identifies key actions and projects that other key stakeholders, particularly the State Government, will need to progress to help deliver this vision, including:
      • Addressing safety and amenity on Rosanna Road
      • Improving the level of service and access to public transport for all users
      • Duplication of the Hurstbridge railway line to improve service frequency and reliability
      • Providing input to the Victorian Planning Authority’s work on transport planning for the LaTrobe National Employment Cluster
    • Considers access to transport, informed by principles according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Age Friendly Guidelines, and taking into account the needs of people of all abilities
    • Advocate for increased investment in sustainable transport and for improvements to public transport operation and infrastructure that will benefit local residents.
  • Plan for and deliver a major shared path bicycle link through Banyule from the Plenty River trail to Plenty Road, including:
    • Detailed design of stage 4 of the East West power easement shared trail (connecting High Street to Watsonia Road)
  • Continue the off-road path renewal and development of the Banyule Shared Trail Network (for walking and bicycles) through the implementation of the Northern Regional Trails Strategy and the shared trail asset management plan, including:
    • Develop detailed designs for future shared trail projects
    • Renew shared trail feeder paths
    • Continue enhancement of the Banyule Flats shared trail bike path and environmental walk
    • Design the proposed upgrade of the Darebin Creek Trail from Banksia Street to Dougharty Road (including a Cultural Heritage Assessment).
  • Renew pathways in reserves and bushland
  • Develop a Walking Strategy in line with the International Charter for Walking
  • Implement travel behaviour change programs to improve walking, cycling and public transport use in priority areas, including:
    • Introduce a walking, cycling and public transport use category for Environmental Grants
    • Implement the Green Travel Plan for Council’s operations
    • Co-ordinate promotional events about Sustainable Transport to raise awareness and increase uptake, including Ride to Work, Ride to School, Walk to School.
  • Introduce parking management techniques to encourage appropriate availability of spaces in areas of high demand, recognising parking as a finite resource.
  • Implement recommendations from key activity area parking plans.