2.1 Protect and enhance our natural environment
We will:
2.1.1 Protect and enhance wildlife corridors and enhance waterways and wetlands
2.1.2 Protect and plant trees and appropriate vegetation
2.1.3 Prevent and reduce litter and waste dumping
2.1.4 Improve biodiversity outcomes, in particular for threatened flora and fauna species in Banyule.
- Continue the implementation of the Biodiversity Plan 2014-2017, including:
- Conduct environmental management planning, including:
- Continue the environmental watering of Banyule Billabong in partnership with Parks Victoria , Melbourne Water and the Victorian Environmental Water holder
- Implement biodiversity actions in the Wilson Reserve management plan within available resources.
- Complete the Plenty River bushland reserves management plan
- Implement the Ryans Road Conservation Reserve management plan
- Biodiversity initiatives for priority bushland reserve management plans
- Wildlife Corridor Program initiatives such as: the buy one get one free plant program, school and resident education program, and planting days
- Conduct environmental management planning, including:
- Work with our La Trobe Employment Cluster partners and stakeholders to improve biodiversity outcomes along the Darebin Creek
- Undertake operational environmental management works in bushland reserves, including priority weed control, vermin control and fire management
- Guide development decisions that protect and enhance our treed environment through Council’s Statutory planning service area
- Continue the work of our arborists and Council’s planning enforcement area to protect our treed environment in private places.
- Develop, review and implement major vegetation strategies
- Improve the quality and quantity of the City’s urban forest and continue to raise community awareness through initiatives including:
- Implement the Urban Forest Strategic Plan
- Inspect and protect our treed environment in public places
- Work with the Banyule community to broaden our understanding of the benefits and importance of, and connection with, our urban forest.
- Plan for a resilient future for our community and collaborate with other metropolitan councils to deliver and implement the relevant aspects of the ‘Resilient Melbourne’ strategy as it applies to Banyule City Council.
- Protect the more environmentally sensitive areas by managing the flow of park users through the appropriate location of facilities in our parks, gardens, reserves and bushland, including:
- Renew trails and pathways in our reserves and bushland
- Extend our BBQ replacement and renewal program in parks
- Protect our important tree assets through a continued tree management and maintenance program, including:
- Comply with Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2015 requiring additional tree removal and pruning, and conduct routine street tree pruning on over 60,000 street trees
- Implement the Urban Forest Strategic Plan including tree planting and the replacement of trees lost to drought, in order to enhance Banyule's urban forest population on nature strips, road reserves, parks and reserves
- Continue tree condition risk assessments and works for Council Community facilities, and along the shared trail network, in playgrounds, and near BBQ's and park shelters
- Monitor the condition of significant trees on public and private land as listed on the Significant Tree Register.
- Continue to implement enforcement strategies for litter and illegal dumping and promote the benefits of the program, including the use of demountable cameras for surveillance at problem sites where rubbish dumping occurs
- Ensure a continued focus on enforcement for our Building Sites in line with Local Law No. 1, specifically targeting spoil on roads, dust and noise control, illegal building works and out-of-hours activities
- Continue to raise community awareness of our hard rubbish and green waste collection programs to minimise illegal dumping.
2.2 Conserve water and improve stormwater management
We will:
2.2.1 Minimise Council's water use
2.2.2 Improve our urban drainage and stormwater management.
- Provide ongoing development and maintenance of warm season grassed playing surfaces and irrigation systems, including:
- Continue the Warm Season Grass Conversion program on our sports fields
- install a new irrigation system at Heidelberg Park Gardens
- Install a new drainage system at the Elder Street Oval
- Upgrade irrigation controllers across the municipality
- Commence concept design work for the next Stormwater Harvesting project to meet the Sustainable Water Use Plan priorities
- Build our capability for integrating water sensitive urban design (WSUD) and treatments into the delivery and renewal of our infrastructure
- Continue to operate, monitor and optimise capabilities of the Stormwater Harvesting systems at Chelsworth Park, Kalparrin Gardens, and De Winton Park to deliver efficient water supply to Council assets.
- Continue the investigation and implementation of the Capital Works Program at priority locations identified by the Municipal Wide Drainage Network Capacity Study, including:
- Stormwater Management Catchment Program Mitigation Works:
- Construction of duplicate pipes through the easements at Tarcoola Dr, Yallambie and at Brixton Ave Eltham North, and drain augmentation at Wilfred Rd, East Ivanhoe
- Scoping and design for duplicate pipe through the easement at Harborne St, Macleod, and through the reserves at Rattray Rd to Sherbourne Rd and Robert St to Sherbourne Rd, Montmorency, and at Main Rd/Alma St, Lower Plenty.
- Minor drainage works including minor pipe augmentations and associated pit improvements to address localised drainage issues
- Drainage hot spots including pit replacements and modifications to improve stormwater capture
- Drainage rehabilitation works including drain outlet replacement at Palara Court, Lower Plenty, and other design and camera investigation works.
- Stormwater Management Catchment Program Mitigation Works:
- Implement the stormwater harvesting community engagement program
2.3 Plan for, and respond to, climate change
We will:
2.3.1 Reduce our contribution to climate change
2.3.2 Review the energy plan and incorporate actions to assist the community to minimise energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions
- Implement priority actions from the energy plan as part of Council’s ongoing focus of reducing and minimising energy use, including:
- Improve energy efficiency in Council buildings
- Install solar panels and consider battery storage technologies
- Increase fuel efficiency in Council’s fleet
- Contribute funds to the Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action and Positive Charge program for residents
- Continue to purchase green power for at least 10% of Council’s major streetlights
- Provide a real time monitoring display of energy and water use in the foyer at One Flintoff, Council’s new staff accommodation and community facilities in Greensborough
- Continue the solar panel pilot project as part of a Home and Community Care climate change initiative to facilitate older people’s access to renewable energy and to reduce the cost burden associated with power bills
- Review processes and capacity for services to respond to extreme climate events and weather patterns (eg storm events, drought, and heat) to enhance the resilience of our community
- Implement the public lighting pole replacement program with an emphasis on new technology and solar powered lighting in Council’s sports fields.
2.4 Avoid waste generation
We will:
2.4.1 Discourage waste to landfill
2.4.2 Identify and implement viable recycling opportunities
2.4.3 Advocate for increased use of environmentally beneficial technologies and services in the community.
Continue to implement the Waste Management Plan 2014-2019.- Deliver Council’s current best practice waste management services, including replacing existing waste bin enclosures in parks
- Implement recommendations adopted in the reviews of the Waste related services, including the improvement plans for:
- Kerbside collection services including the Introduction of technology
- Waste Recovery Centre
- Dumped Rubbish and Litter Strategic Plan
- Continue to manage Council’s significant recycling services, seeking further opportunities for diversion from the waste stream
- Continue to implement waste avoidance and resource recovery programs to residents, schools and community groups
- Increase Waste Education Service participation at major Banyule festivals and events
- Promote ‘onsite at-source’ food waste avoidance solutions to the community, including: worm farms, compost bins, and emerging waste reduction technologies
2.5 Act as environmental stewards
We will:
2.5.1 Support and educate the community to protect, enhance and experience the environment.
2.5.2 Manage recreation and open spaces in an environmentally sustainable way
- Continue stewardship programs that educate the community about environmental sustainability, including the Sustainable Homes and Communities program, Spring Outdoors, Wildlife Corridor Program and Positive Charge
- Continue to provide priority weed and pest control to bush reserves and waterway reserves involving friends groups, schools and community groups
- Implement the Biodiversity, Water Sustainability, Energy, Waste and Environmental Stewardship plans
- Deliver on open space strategic plan and reserve master plan priorities
- Manage sporting users to ensure the ongoing viability of sports playing surfaces
- Deliver a continued certification program against ISO 14001 Environmental Management standards, including Council’s organisational Enviro Reps, communication and targeted projects.