
Council's Development Planning Services team manages building development within the municipality by assessing applications in accordance with relevant legislation, specific requirements and State and Local Planning Policies. This includes applications for new housing, sub-division, commercial offices, multi-story developments and more.

Over recent years there has been huge growth in applications locally which has placed significant pressure on Development Planning in Banyule. Changes have included increases for higher-density housing; more complex government planning requirements; and increasing community expectations to manage development.

We asked for your feedback on:

  • How satisfied you are with building development occurring with Banyule
  • How satisfied you are with our Development Planning processes
  • What opportunities you see for enhancing our Development Planning processes

Feedback was open to all residents regardless of your involvement with Development Planning, as well as developers, planning applicants and objectors.

Thank you for your comments, feedback is now closed.

Our approach

All the feedback from this survey was collated, analysed and used to help us shape and structure a community forum on Friday 29 March 2019. For the purposes of the forum, your contributions to this survey were de-identified and you remain anonymous; this means things you said may be mentioned, but you will not be.

The forum consisted of the opportunity to meet Council's Development Planners, learn about the Development Planning rules and regulations, ask any questions you may have on Development Planning and explore what you said through this survey and how we can continue to improve what we do.

Have your say

Thank you for your feedback on our development planning processes. Feedback has now closed.

Development outcomes

Building development and change in our community is inevitable, particularly given the extensive population growth happening in Melbourne.
Extremely disatisfied
Extremely satisfied
The overall standard and quality of developments completed within Banyule
The extent to which the need for change to accommodate population growth is explained to the local community
The extent to which change is being appropriately managed within Banyule
The acceptance of building development and its resultant change by the local community
The revitalisation of parts of Banyule with new and innovative develoments
How suitable is Banyule's currently available housing stock for future needs in terms of:
Extremely unsuitable
Extremely suitable
The diversity of housing styles
The range of housing sizes
The affordability of housing
The design of housing for accessibility needs
The design of housing for environmental sustainability
Do you think that Banyule is managing change and protecting important areas (such as character precincts, key heritage and environment areas) better than other Councils?
You have 255 characters left.

Planning Processes

Thinking about your interations with Council's Development Planning Team (not whether or not you agree with the decision or outcomes), please rate on a scale from extremely dissatisfied to extremely satisfied the following:
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
The overall service received
The pre-application process and advice
The knowledge of the staff
The helpfulness of the staff
Communication from staff throughout the process
The time taken to get a response
The time taken for a decision

Planning Department

  1. Streamlining processes to improve the time it takes to reach a decision on a Planning Application #
  2. Greater emphasis on the pre-application processd to ensure improved quality and standard of applications and a smoother process #
  3. Reducing the planning permit requirements in our Planning Scheme so less things need Council approval (where Council has introduced the control as opposed to State Government controls) #
  4. Investment in supporting system (such as IT and online application lodgement) #
  5. Increase in professional services involved in the assessment process (such as Urban Design, Environmental Sustainability Design, landscape, arboricultural, heritage) to improve the quality of outcomes #
  6. Increased information sharing with people involved in the planning system including improved communication and updates throughout the application process #
  7. Creating more opportunities for applicants and residents to understanding planning proposal issues and workshop outcomes #

About you

What is the postcode of your business?

How would you best describe your main relationship with the Development Planning Team at Banyule Council? (Select one)
When was the last time you had direct dealings with the Development Planning Team at Council?
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.