Thank you

Thank you for your support in finalising our CE Planning timeline and flowchart and updating our CE templates.

Much of your feedback was incorporated and the documents were endorsed by our Executive Management team in April 2022.

Since then we have delivered seven online and in-person workshops with over 70 officers across the organisation to become familiar with our timeline, our CE planning process, our templates and the organisation's CE Policy.

Streamlining our approach to community engagement

Community engagement is key to making sure our projects are relevant, sustainable and reflect the needs of Banyule residents.

By supporting people who live and work in Banyule to participate in the design of spaces and strategy, to tell us about the roads and facilities they use, and to provide feedback on our services, we gain insight that strengthens the outputs and outcomes of our work.

Participating in engagement activities also leads to improved health and wellbeing outcomes for participants.

To provide context for streamlining our practice, check out this 3-minute video with a summary of why we do community engagement.

Your input

Some of you will have seen Banyule's Community Engagement Policy and Toolkit. Some of you will have also used the templates.

Over the past two months the Community Engagement Team (CET) has developed a flowchart and timeline to complement this work and make it clearer how things fit together. We have also reviewed the templates to reduce the time required by teams to work with us to develop their engagement approach.

Our aim is to make sure that our process and tools support us to deliver the best engagement possible, without being burdensome.

And we're keen to hear from you whether they meet the mark!

To support this process, please review the related documents and respond to the survey questions below. This will take about an hour.