Help improve our customer service

Did you know that we deliver over 100 services to residents and ratepayers in Banyule? We want you to have a great experience when you interact with us and use our services. To do this, we are creating a new Customer Charter and we would like your input.

We are working with a group residents and our staff to create a new document that explains how we will deliver customer service into the future.

On November 29 we invited twenty residents who match the age breakdown of our community to share their ideas about customer service. View the video below.

In your words - Customer Service Charter Workshop

What's next?

Based on the feedback from residents and staff we are now working on a series of principles that will form the basis for the new charter. View the draft principles below and leave us a comment sharing your views.

  • Principle 1

    Council will provide a timely and respectful response to customer requests.
  • Principle 2

    Interactions with customers will be managed in a timely and respectful manner.
  • Principle 3

    All council services will respect diversity and be accessible to all.
  • Principle 4

    Treat all members of the community equally.
  • Principle 5

    Acknowledging diversity and being aware of individual capabilities i.e. one hat does not fit all.
  • Principle 6

    Mutual respect: customer needs to be respected, customer also needs to respect council officers.
  • Principle 7

    CARE - Show we care by listening, respecting your views, try to understand, service with a smile/appropriate response.
  • Principle 8

    Follow up we will check in with you about progress and see if you are satisfied.
  • Principle 9

    To strive to be empathetic when engaging with the community.
  • Principle 10

    Accessibility: We will deliver services that are consistent and equal regardless of your situation.
  • Principle 11

    Proactive- try to pre-empt problems and respond. We will use what we learn and improve!
  • Principle 12

    Timely- we will meet our timelines and tell you if we cannot meet them and why.
  • Principle 13

    Customer charter will be based on a philosophy of continuous improvement and be sustainable.
  • Principle 14

    Respond, acknowledge and value community views.
  • Principle 15

    Work towards building a better community for the common good.
  • Principle 16

    Accountability to community- clear line of sight.
  • Principle 17

    Show respect to all members of the community.
  • Principle 18

    Best practice policies, procedures, processes, continuous improvement, evaluate, audit, benchmarking.
  • Principle 19

    Interactions with council should be confidential and people’s privacy respected where appropriate.

What do you think of these principles? Is there anything missing that you think would improve your experience with us?

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