
The Macleod Park Village Green Masterplan design has been finalised. We used your feedback to refine the Masterplan Draft and would like to inform you that so far we have installed a fitness circuit and youth seating with other actions being scheduled in the near future.

There were some changes made to the Draft Masterplan which will effect both the northern and southern end of Macleod Park. Further details are available in the numbered explanations and legend section below.

What's happening at Macleod Park

The Village Green, Macleod Park is used by many within the community, on a day-to-day basis and also for events including YouthFest and Movies on the Move. With its increasing use and popularity we have developed a master plan for its future identifying:

  • the opportunities and challenges surrounding the use of the Village Green, Macleod Park; and
  • a vision to enable Council to plan for it’s future improvement.

Master Plan Draft

The draft master plan is a birds eye view of the of the Village Green portion of Macleod Park with colours, patterns and numbers identifying existing features to retain and proposed features (either new or to replace existing).

The draft master plan must be reviewed in conjunction with the legend and the numbered explanations.

Numbered explanations and legend

Numbered explanations are listed based on location, north or south of the existing pathway connecting Macleod Station to the shops (Aberdeen Rd).

We are currently having discussions with Melboune Water about the Masterplan proposals for southern end of Macleod Village Green. These discussions may effect the design, costing and staging of works at this location. We will update you with any progress.


Upgrade existing public toilets.


New nectar producing native tree planting and future nature play area.


New themed picnic area and shelter next to Little Free Library.


Improvements to existing playground providing play options for a wider age range.


Remove picnic tables and reinstate lawn.


New public outdoor ping pong area.


New basketball half court.


New community space with seating and a feature Eucalypt. Potential for seating to be designed as functional art.


New footpath linking community space and shops (Aberdeen Rd).


New garden garden border to define irrigated lawn area.


Enhance gazebo as a public performance space (e.g. improve acoustics and allow for temporary backdrops).


Update: This is no longer required. A new fitness circuit will be installed on the north side of the area.

Original proposal: New outdoor gym equipment for seniors with a mural backdrop (depicting flock of parrots) on the western most wall of the Macleod Pre-School and the Maternal Child Health Centre.


Improve path links from Rosanna Parklands to the Village Green.


Update: Following discussions with Macleod preschool, the Little Free Library will be relocated close to fitness station A.Seating is also proposed for this area.

Original proposal: New seating area created alongside Little Free Library


Update: Not part of 2018/2019 proposal.

Original proposal: Lawn area upgraded and irrigated


Update: To construct a new picnic area and seating area alongside a youth focused fitness station.

Original proposal: Replace nearby picnic area and provide youth focused picnic area to accommodate two groups.


Update: The Fitness Stations and paths have been carefully sited to avoid adverse impacts on existing trees. A new planting area will be created alongside the boundary with Macleod Preschool.

Original proposal: Retain and enhance wildlife corridors for parrots such as the endangered Swift Parrot.


Update: Not part of 2018/19 proposal

Original proposal: Improve bicycle facilities and path links between Macleod Station and the Village Green in consultation with VicTrack.

Draft master plan legend

Theme, concepts and inspiration

Images are for illustrative purposes only to assist with visualising the themes and concepts of the master plan. Image copyright is held by the respective image owners.