Improvements to pedestrian safety are now complete!

The works included the installation of speed humps on both sides of the bridge and a convex mirror on the north east corner of the Alandale Road and Odenwald Road intersection as interim safety measures. These works were completed in March/April 2024.

View the interim safety measures for the Odenwald Road Bridge.

What we did?

In April 2022, Council applied to Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) for approval to complete improvement works for safe pedestrian access on Odenwald Road bridge.

For this project to be approved, MTM requested the installation of pedestrian protection screens along the bridge, to prevent any potential danger between pedestrians and the high voltage overhead wires. The current load capacity of the Odenwald Road Bridge could not support this additional weight.

To progress this project, MTM proposed several alternate options, including:

  • Construction of a new dedicated pedestrian bridge independent to the existing road bridge.
  • Replacement of the existing road bridge with one that also allows for dedicated pedestrian access.
  • Substantial works to the existing bridge to allow for additional load of the protection screens.

Considering this response from MTM, it is not feasible or practical to go ahead with the original proposed trial.

Council does not see the current works as a long-term solution and will continue to advocate to the State Government to invest in a full replacement of the Odenwald Road Bridge with pedestrian access.

We continue to advocate to our local MPs and the State Treasurer to include this funding in the next budget and flag this an advocacy priority.

We encourage you to support our advocacy and to contact your local MPs to advocate for a new Odenwald Road Bridge.

Click the "follow" button at the top of this page to receive updates on our ongoing advocacy work in this space.


Ongoing advocacy

We acknowledge the community's request for separate pedestrian/cyclist infrastructure over the Hurstbridge Railway Corridor.

Projects of this level require significant funding support from the State Government.

Council will be increasing its advocacy to the State Governments for funding to replace the Odenwald Bridge and the introduce pedestrian infrastructure.


What you told us

In August 2021, we asked for your feedback on two options for pedestrian safety improvements along the Odenwald Road Bridge, Eaglemont. We received feedback from 300 community members through the online survey. Thank you to those who provided feedback.

The survey results were:

The feedback suggested that Option 1 was preferred but required some minor amendments including:

  • An additional speed hump to be installed along Odenwald Road, east of the Alandale Road intersection to reduce motorist speeds on the lead up to the intersection.
  • Vehicles entering Odenwald Road from Studley Road to be given priority movement and the give-way signage to only be installed for vehicles entering the bridge from the Odenwald Road and Alandale Road intersection.
  • The left turn slip lane from Studley Road into Odenwald Road and the left overtaking lane along Studley Road, for north bound motorists, not to be implemented during the trial period. Assessments will be undertaken to determine if they are required, and if it is deemed required, then will be included with any permanent implementation of the trial.
  • A convex mirror to be installed on the north east corner of Odenwald Road and Alandale Road intersection, to assist motorists turning left from Alandale Road to improve sight visibility.

To provide safe pedestrian access across the bridge, we considered two options :

Option 1

  • A pedestrian footpath across the bridge.
  • Reduction from two traffic lanes to a single lane (vehicles wait to cross controlled by give way linemarking and signs).
  • An extended speed hump on the approach from Studley road with a pedestrian refuge island, connecting foothpath and kerb ramps.
  • If this option is supported, a 6 month trial installation will be run to determine any significant impact to traffic flow. The community will be notified of the results of the trial and any changes to the plans required through Shaping Banyule.

Option 2

  • A shared pedestrian and vehicle zone, retaining existing two-lane traffic.
  • An extended speed hump on the approach from Studley Road with a pedestrian refuge island, connecting footpath and kerb ramps.
  • Installation of an additional three speed humps, a footpath section, kerb ramps and advisory low speed limit signage.
  • There will be no trial run as part of this proposal.

There were traffic and pedestrian design elements that were common to both options as set out in the concept plans.

It was noted that the installation of the some of this infrastructure is subject to State Government approvals and would require applications to VicTrack (land and bridge owner) and Metro Trains (MTM).

Street lighting was also considered as part of both proposals.

6-month trial

To understand Option 1 and the impact of these changes on traffic behaviour in the area, we planned to commence a
6-month trial with site observations and assessments undertaken monthly.

The trial was to commence after Metro Train Melbourne (MTM) approval and was dependent on contractor availability.

12-month trial - Concept Plan

6-month trial - Concept Plan

Whilst Council had positive discussions with MTM regarding the trial in its initial stages, Council had to formally apply for approval to undertake any changes on top of the bridge as MTM are the responsible authority.

Council was advised that for MTM to endorse the project, protection screens would need to be fitted to the bridge to prevent any potential danger to pedestrians from high voltage wires.

To achieve this, a structural load would need to be applied to the bridge, which the bridge cannot support.

Considering the response from MTM, it is not feasible or practical to continue with the original proposed trail.


Walking in and around our neighbourhoods is one of the best markers of a healthy and vibrant community.

Banyule’s Walking Strategy and Integrated Transport Plan outlines Council’s commitment to improving pedestrian connectivity and safety as part of its overarching objective to promote healthy activity and sustainable modes of travel.

Odenwald bridge was built in the 1800’s and does not have a separated footpath for pedestrians. It is also quite narrow for a two-way bridge and vehicles approach Odenwald Bridge in both directions at speeds of up to 50km/hr.

To ensure we continue providing safer pedestrian walking links between Eaglemont, Heidelberg and Ivanhoe, we received funding for the installation of safe pedestrian infrastructure along the Odenwald Road bridge, between Alandale Road and Studley Road, Eaglemont.