Project update
Work at Kalista Park is now complete.
We did extensive consultation with the community and received feedback from 12 community members for Kalista Park through an online survey, phone calls and emails directly to our Open Space Planning Team. We used your comments to make changes to the proposed designs so that these playgrounds would better serve the community.
We heard what you said and one of the changes include:
- Inclusion of a single swing with toddler.
About the space
Kalista Park is a small reserve located in Watsonia North. The playground is popular with families. This playground has served the community well for many years and is now scheduled for renewal. We would like your feedback on the proposed designs so we can continue to provide a high quality playground experience.
Improving your playground
We are planning to replace the existing playground with new and improved equipment to meet your needs.
Proposed improvements include:
- A playground with:
- cable rope net climber
- stepping stones
- spider web
- explorer tight rope overhead junior
- explorer monkey rings
- explorer chasm crossing junior
- monkey bar and chin up bar.
- A big dipper slide (mound slide)
- An A-frame birds nest swing (basket swing)
- New seating
- New access stairs
- New shade trees
Have a look at the proposed design and let us know what you think.
Have your say
Thank you for your comments. Your feedback will help us finalise the design concept of the proposed playground at Kalista Park. Feedback is now closed.