Our new Recreation Plan

We are thrilled to share our Recreation Plan 2017 - 2021 with you. We know recreation is important as it contributes to people’s health and wellbeing, community cohesion, economic growth and jobs, and Banyule’s livability - and it's heaps of fun!

To ensure the Banyule community is able to access and enjoy the benefits of recreation, this plan helps the community understand what we do to support recreation and why we do it.

What a goal!

The Plan is guided by four Goals that were identified out of the research and consultation we did.

Goal 1: Facilities – Our community has equitable access to multipurpose, inclusive, accessible and sustainable facilities.

Goal 2: Communication and Education – Our community knows and is aware of opportunities and feels supported in the delivery of recreation.

Goal 3: Informal Opportunities – Our community can access and participate in diverse activities that enhance their wellbeing.

Goal 4: Participation and Partnerships – Our community is actively involved and has a strong and connected sense of belonging.

Each goal has a series of actions that we plan to deliver over the next four years.

Read the full Plan here or take a look at our first year action plan here.

picnicking in Kalparrin Gardens


What you said!

Throughout March and April we spoke with a range of people about their ideas for improving recreation opportunities in Banyule.

Some of the ways we engaged with people included;

  • Conversations at our Twilight Sounds / Kids Arty Farty Fest events
  • 4 Community Forums as part of developing the new Council Plan
  • Regular Meetings with the Recreation Plan - Community Reference Group
  • Meetings with local community groups organisations representing different communities
  • Promotion of our online survey at pop up events across Banyule

How many people did we hear from?

During the first stage of our consultation:

  • 382 survey responses
  • 14 online comments (not counting reactions to comments)
  • 90 people across 4 community forums
  • Plus numerous conversations at workshops and pop ups

We then ran 3 Issues and Opportunities workshops and session with our community reference group to test the key themes emerging from the consultation.

Our workshops were attended by a range of local groups including:

  • 22 attendees from Sporting Club/Association
  • 6 attendees from Neighbourhood Houses & Libraries
  • 6 attendees from local Leisure Facilities

What we heard...

The key themes to emerge from our engagement were;

  • Facilities – need for multi-use and to cater for women in sport
  • Communication and Education – awareness of opportunities, education for sporting clubs and community groups
  • Informal Opportunities – more people seek unstructured, flexible recreational pursuits
  • Participation and Partnerships – addressing low participation rates ie: females, adolescence, and working with partners for program delivery.