Our new plan
Check out our new Safer Banyule Plan 2017 - 2021 adopted by Council 19 March 2018.
Community safety is an issue important to everyone that lives, works or visits Banyule. For us community safety is about creating places where people can live without fear, harm or injury. It also involves reducing and preventing crime and increasing perceptions of safety through strong and cohesive communities.
Why have a Plan?
Our Council Plan 2017 - 2021 includes a key direction "develop and promote safety and resilience in our community". We understand how important safety is and our Draft Safer Banyule Plan 2017 - 2021 outlines how we will work in partnership with key agencies and the community to enhance and respond to community safety issues in Banyule over the next four years.
How has the Plan been developed?
Throughout 2017 we have consulted with a range of people at community forums, key agency and stakeholder presentations, mail outs of surveys to key community groups, internal Council consultations and face to face consultations. We asked people about safety in Banyule and what needed to be improved. Based on what we heard, an evaluation of our previous plan as well as key research and stats on safety in Banyule we have drafted the new Plan.
Key parts of the Plan
The Plan is based around 5 key priorities designed to enhance community safety;
Rationale: Banyule is a safe city with overall high levels of perception of safety across age groups. However, issues (and media reports of) including cybercrime, gangs, drugs and home invasions can heighten levels of concern and this may limit people’s sense of confidence to participate in community life with older residents one of the main cohorts most affected by these concerns.
Rationale: Place management is an effective mechanism for bringing stakeholders together to address issues of safety, access and equity and amenity to areas that have location based issues. Banyule Council supports place based responses.
Rationale: Quality spaces invite people into the place and encourage active use of it. Communities that use public spaces with confidence increase community confidence and reduce opportunity for potential offenders to engage in criminal acts and/or anti- social behaviour.
Rationale: Banyule’s recorded offence rates are consistently lower than Victorian rates. The community’s perceptions and experience of safety can be different from official offence rates. Building strong partnerships with law enforcement and local community groups provides an important opportunity for Council to share information, identify strategies and influence policy.
Rationale: Community safety can be a fluid environment that is required to respond to major social policy change environments. This has been seen with the 2009 Victorian Bushfires and currently with the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations and policy. Emerging imperatives bring a range of challenges in addressing resourcing and support requirements from Council until policy becomes mainstream and embedded into legislation, strategy and policy. A major current focus is Family Violence, with incidents in Banyule accounting for slightly over half of all assault incidents and slightly under one half of all sexual offences.
Have your say
Thank you for contributing to the consultation and providing your feedback, we really appreciate it. Feedback for the Safer Banyule Plan 2017 - 2021 has now closed.