Planning permit - P996/2017 was issued by Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on 12 October 2018. You can read the details in the VCAT order.
The residential development will consist of three, three storey apartment buildings fronting Wamba Road, The Boulevard and Wilfred Road and eleven, two and three storey Townhouses fronting Cedric Street.
The endorse plans were issued by the responsible authority on 16 April 2019. Works have now commenced onsite. Register your interest on 'The Grounds' website to receive regular progress updates.
The planning permit contains specific tree protection measures which include Arborist supervision of any activity within the calculated tree protection zone of a retained tree, and the erecting of tree protection zone fencing with appropriate signage, irrigation, ground protection and restrictions on access to tree protection zones.
Before the commencement of buildings and works on the site the tress protection zone and associated fencing must be established. Evidence of this must be submitted to Council at least 14 days prior to the commencement of works. Council will inspect upon notification of this to ensure the site complies with the requirements of the planning permit.
The permit issued by the Tribunal includes approval to remove trees protected under the Banyule Planning Scheme. Council is aware that tree removal has commenced without the endorsement of plans as required by the conditions of the permit or establishment of tree protection fencing.
One of the requirements of the planning permit is that before the development starts, a Construction Management Plan must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing the Plan must be consistent with the Banyule City Council, General Local Law No. 1, particularly in relation to:
- Containment of building sites
- Dust control
- Building site refuse
- Building works hours and noise control
- Construction, use and maintenance of vehicle crossings
- Occupation of, and obstructions on, roads and Council land
- Spoil on roads
- Unsightly land
- Stormwater and sediment control
The Plan must also include (but not be limited to) details of the following:
- Appropriate location of parking for all tradespersons, to ensure as far as practicable a design and measures for trades vehicles to park on-site where possible.
- A sign to be displayed on site at all times advising tradesman to park on the site where practicable and if parking on-street, not to illegally park across any driveway.
- A likely timeframe for construction (including demolition, commencement and any staging).
- Access and egress points for all vehicles to the site.
- Location of construction workers’ amenities away from abutting dwellings.
The construction management and traffic management plans can be viewed here.
Council has been working with the developer to ensure any signage at the site complies with the Banyule Planning Scheme. A total of four signs each 10 sq. metres in area will be erected at the southern end of the site. The developer has indicated an application may be lodged in future to seek permission for greater areas of signage and this would be assessed on its merits.
What is this development?
JW Land, an Australian property development company, acquired 15 residential properties in Ivanhoe East. The site is bounded to the north by Cedric Street, to the south by The Boulevard and Wilfred Road and to the west by Wamba Road.
The development includes;
- 107 Apartments
- 11 Townhouse
- 288 Car Spaces (includes visitor parking)
Council resolved at its meeting at the 11 December 2017 to issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit subject to a number of conditions. A copy of the officer report and minutes of the Council decision can be viewed on our website.
From March - July 2018 the proposal was appealed at VCAT. The developer appealed the conditions of Council and objectors the proposal appealed the approval of the proposal.
In October 2018 VCAT issued an approval on the proposal. The developer is required to submit new plans to Council addessing the requirements of the conditions of approval. After this a contruction management plan will be developed to manage the construction phase of the proposal.