Youth Plan 2018 - 2021
We are thrilled to present our Youth Plan 2018-2021, that sets out how we will support our youth and influence the planning and delivery of programs, activities, services and events for Banyule’s young people over the next four years.
The Youth Plan 2018-2021 was adopted by Council on 21 May 2018.
About the Plan
Banyule Youth Services (BYS) values, engages and empowers young people aged 12 to 25 who live, work, go to school or socialise in the Banyule community. Young people make up 16 % of our population and it is anticipated that this will continue to grow in the coming years.
In September 2016, the Youth team commenced planning for and developing a new four year Youth Plan. A big part of this development process was consulting with local young people and other key stakeholders. We received loads of great feedback and based on this information, statistical data and other research we have developed a proposed Youth Plan.
We would now like to ask you read over the proposed plan and let us know if you think we have got it right.
Why have a Youth Plan?
The purpose of the Youth Plan is to provide a strategic framework for the delivery of services to young people aged 12 to 25 in the Banyule community.
The Youth Plan guides Council's work with young people, prioritising participation, engagement, advocacy, support, planning and coordination with other stakeholders. It ensures the Youth Services team is steering in the right direction for fostering positive youth participation, development and outcomes.
How the plan was developed
Between September 2016 and November 2017 extensive research and consultation was undertaken to identify and confirm key objectives, goals and action items for the Youth Plan.
More than 860 young people and stakeholders were involved in the consultation and development process which included:
- Consultations with young people via focus groups, on line surveys and community workshops
- Consultations with stakeholders via focus groups, on line surveys and community workshops
- Analysis of emerging research and practice, academic findings and statistical data
- Benchmarking of BYS against other local government youth services units
Please refer to the Youth Plan Consultation Findings Infographic for highlights of the consultation findings.