Thank you for your feedback on the Mid Precinct draft actions

Short-term (1-3 years)

1. Identify opportunities to expand the capacity of the Old Shire Offices to support additional community use.

2. Continue to upgrade the Heidelberg Theatre in Rosanna to remain fit for purpose, people and place.

3. Explore use and partnership opportunities of the State government owned Banyule Theatre in Heidelberg with the Department of Education.

4. Explore opportunities to create multi-purpose meeting spaces in the Macleod Park Pavilion redevelopment.

5. Leverage opportunities from the upgrade of the Rosanna Library & Precinct to increase provision of multi-purpose meeting spaces.

6. Map the availability and usage of multi-purpose meeting rooms owned by non-Council building owners in the Heidelberg Activity Centre.

Medium-term (4-6 years)

7. Work in collaboration with non-Council building owners to deliver multi-purpose meeting spaces in the Heidelberg Activity Centre.



The Heidelberg major activity centre is centred around the Burgundy Street shopping precinct which is a significant commercial area and the major employment centre in Banyule. This area is a large health hub with three hospitals and a range of allied health services. Hawdon Street Community Hall is the only Council owned building in this 20- minute neighbourhood. Four sports pavilions outside the Heidelberg activity centre are located closer to the East Precinct along Beverley Road. This includes the Old Shire Offices, four sports pavilions, and two non-Council owned buildings - St John’s Church and Banyule Theatre complex.

Within the 20-minute neighbourhood of Rosanna is the Rosanna Library, Heidelberg Theatre and two sports pavilions in De Winton Park. A non-Council owned Scout Hall is also located in the area. Plans are underway to redevelop the Rosanna Library which will expand the study and meeting rooms and will include an outdoor space. The Rosanna Maternal and Child Health Centre is located within this neighbourhood on Hillside Road. On the periphery of the neighbourhood is the Rosanna Fire Station Neighbourhood House and the double unit Interlaken Preschool.

Within the 20-minute neighbourhood clustered around the Macleod Shopping Village is the Macleod Hall with three buildings located on Birdwood Avenue (Macleod Maternal and Child Health, Macleod Preschool and Macleod Community Hall). These community buildings are within walking distance from two major community facilities, Macleod Sports Centre and NETS Stadium. Macleod is also home to three sports pavilions. Outside of the 20-minute neighbourhood is Sky Street Children’s Centre which is located in a residential area and is near a railway line.

Check out the map to see the 20-minutes neighbourhoods and where these facilities are located.