On 11 December 2023, Council endorsed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) for the Chelsworth Park Pavilion redevelopment.

The HOA is a roadmap that details the statutory and other processes required for the granting of a new lease and obtaining planning approval for the proposed development of two sports pavilions by Ivanhoe Grammar School (IGS). It also sets out the key terms of the Agreement for Lease (AFL) for detailed drafting of the new lease.

On 26 February, Council agreed to give public notice of its intention to enter into an Agreement for Lease and draft Lease with IGS and call for written submissions.

Get involved

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Frequently asked questions

Following on from our February information sessions, we've pulled together these responses to your questions.

Process and timelines

View the key process and timelines flowchart for the project.

Flow chart of key process and timelines for Chelsworth Park Pavilion project

Engagement stages

There will be three stages of engagement for you to get involved.

December 2023 - February 2024

  • Community information session where held by Council to introduce the project and processes for community consultation.
    • Session 1 - In-person (COMPLETE)
      Friday 2 February, 10.30am - 11.15am
      Chelsworth Park, Timber Pavilion
      Irvine Road, Ivanhoe
    • Session 2 - In-person (COMPLETE)
      Tuesday 6 February, 4.30pm - 5.15pm
      Ivanhoe Library ad Cultural Hub
      275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe
    • Session 3 - Online (COMPLETE)
      Thursday 8 February, 7pm - 7.45pm
    • Session 4 - In-person (COMPLETE)
      Saturday 10 February, 11am - 11.45am
      Chelsworth Park, Irvine Road, Ivanhoe
  • A project page on Shaping Banyule was developed to provide information to the community on Stage 1 engagement.

February - March 2024

  • Attend a community workshop in March to talk with us about the lease process and inclusions, the pavilion designs and the Chelsworth Park heritage overlay. Workshop bookings are now open.
  • Intention to enter into an Agreement for Lease, advertised for 28 days, formal submission process calling for submissions on the proposed lease.

May - June 2024. Details to be determined following Stage 2 engagement.


Chelsworth Park

Chelsworth Park is in Irvine Road, Ivanhoe, and is home to nine Banyule sporting clubs including football, soccer, athletics and cricket. It also provides space for recreation activities like walking, running, dog walking, casual sport practice and socialising.

Ivanhoe Grammar School (IGS) are a key tenant and have a current lease with Council that includes:

  • use of the Park during school terms for delivery of the IGS sports program
  • maintenance of all sports fields and upgrading and renovation of two sports pavilions.

IGS students train or play at the Park for around 330 hours a year, which is less than 8% of total daylight hours. The Park is otherwise available for community and sporting club use.

The Park is well-used by the community and is an area of environmental, historical, social and scientific significance.

There are currently two pavilions located on the southeast of the park which service the sporting clubs. An assessment of the pavilions confirmed that a low-cost renovation and extension was not possible given the extent of works needed to bring the pavilions up to industry standards that are safe, inclusive and accessible.

Opportunities to upgrade the facilities include:

  • female-friendly change rooms and amenities to support growth in female sporting participation
  • access and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act and Building Code
  • environmental design initiatives
  • compliance with the state sporting code facility guidelines
  • alignment with universal design principles.

As the land owner, Council is committed to working in partnership with IGS, Banyule sporting clubs and the community to ensure the delivery of accessible, functional and sustainable club room facilities that complement the natural setting and ensure inclusive participation.

IGS has confirmed that it will invest in the development of two new sports pavilions to replace the existing facilities at an estimated cost of $14 million in return for a longer-term lease.

Council sees this as a unique opportunity to work in partnership with IGS to deliver improved community sports infrastructure for future generations that would not be possible without significant cost to Council.

What we've done

During 2021 and 2022, we completed pre-concept work, investigations and analysis in partnership with Ivanhoe Grammar School and key stakeholders to understand:

  • the needs and requirements of the sporting clubs
  • the capacity and amenity of the existing pavilions with regard to sport facility, access and environmental standards
  • the significance of the site, heritage overlays and planning controls that will influence the design
  • the overall constraints, opportunities and challenges for the upgrade/redevelopment of the pavilions.

This pre-concept work confirmed that a simple renovation of the two pavilions was no longer viable, that the needs of the sporting clubs at Chelsworth Park have changed significantly over the years and that the existing pavilions have considerable design and access challenges and are no longer fit-for-purpose.

Sports Club Usage

Chelsworth Park Sports Club Usage

Club NameUsage timesUsage hours per annum% Usage per annum (Usable hours)
Ivanhoe Grammar School

Mon to Fri - 4pm to 5.30pm (during school terms)
Sat - 8am to 12.30pm (20 weeks per year)
Limited school usage during school day - approx. 7 days per year


Ivanhoe Saints Cricket Club

Mon to Fri - 5.30pm - 9pm
Sat -12.30 to 9pm
Sun - 8am to 9pm


Old Ivanhoe Grammarians Cricket ClubTues and Thur - 5.30pm to 9pm
Sat -12.30pm to 9pm
Ivanhoe Harriers Athletics Club Tues and Thu - 4pm to 5.30pm1122.5
Old Ivanhoe Grammarians Football ClubMon to Fri - 5.30pm to 8.30pm
Sat - 12 midday to 5pm
Old Ivanhoe Soccer Club
Tues, Wed, Thur - 5.30pm - 9pm
Sat - 12.30pm to 6pm
East Ivanhoe AuskickSun - 9am to 12 midday781.7
Heidelberg Cricket ClubSat - 12.30pm to 9pm2215
Rosanna Cricket ClubSat - 12.30pm to 9pm2215
Ivanhoe Mavericks Cricket ClubSat - 12.30pm to 9pm2215

FACT: Ivanhoe Grammar School (IGS) has students training or playing at Chelsworth Park for a total of 330 hours per year, which is less than 8% of available daylight hours. This usage takes place over 18 weeks of the year only. IGS does not use the Park for the remaining 34 weeks.