Project update
Between August and September 2020, we consulted with primary school aged children and received 164 ideas and suggestions through our online survey. Check out the consultation findings.
We used your comments to develop the draft Child and Youth Framework 2021-2031 (which will replace the Child, Youth and Family Plan 2016-2020). This new framework will be used to guide Council to support better outcomes for Banyule’s children and young people.
Based on your feedback we have prioritised:
- Developing better ways to include children and young people in civic life and community decision making forums
- Empowering children and young people to contribute to and lead climate change action
- Providing better supports to parents to help them raise their children and young people.
Thank you for sharing your views and suggestions. Feedback is now closed.
Let's imagine
Imagine you are the world’s greatest chef helping us to create a new recipe for a special dish. This is no ordinary recipe, it's the recipe for living a good life!
Thank you for helping us create a recipe for a good life. We will use your recipe ideas in a new special dish - the Child, Youth and Family Plan (2021-2031). This plan outlines all the things that we can do now and in the future, to help children in Banyule live a good life.