Project update - August 2024
We are excited to announce that Petrie Park improvement works will be resuming.
The project is scheduled for constructed in mid 2025 and we will continue to update you as we get closer to the construction period and have finalised dates.
View the designs below.
Thank you for your feedback on the proposed intergenerational playspace design.
In August 2022, we consulted with the community and received feedback from 31 community members through an online survey and emails to the Open Space Planning Team. Over 548 people viewed the project on Shaping Banyule during the consultation period.
Some key points from the consultation include:
- there was a a lot of support for the path improvements and the look and feel of the upgrades, including timber elements used in the playground
- a drink bottle refill will be included on the new drinking fountains
- a couple of people asked for more activities to cater for older children/young people and suggested a basketball half court could be a good addition to the park. Unfortunately the project budget does not allow for this addition, but we will continue to look at options for activities for young people in future
- A few community members requested not to add vegetation to the lawn embankment surrounding the lawn bowls club. We are aware that local children enjoy sliding down the grass hill, however the maintenance and safety risks of this area need to be addressed. The new playground will feature an embankment slide for the community to use.
We look forward to delivering the upgrade for the local community following conversations with DTP to finalise the designs.
In 2015 we commissioned a study for a Masterplan to guide the future development of Petrie Park and Rattray Reserve, Montmorency. We undertook extensive consultation with Petrie Park user groups, the community and Council officers. Household surveys, stakeholder interviews, reference group workshops with external stakeholders and three community
drop-in events were conducted to ensure the Master Plan reflected the community’s needs.
The Masterplan responds to community feedback, considers site challenges and identifies opportunities to improve the park.
This project will focus on delivering a number of actions relating to the playground, pathways, access, vegetation, fencing and infrastructure, as outlined in the Masterplan. No actions relating to the existing buildings will be delivered as part of this project.
Petrie Park Master Plan
It's time to implement the Petrie Park Master Plan that was developed with community in 2016.
Funded in partnership with Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)
we will be delivering a number of actions from the Masterplan to improve the
Scope of works
The scope of works will include:
- upgrading the path network
- a new intergenerational playground
- more greenery and tree plantings.
The delivery does not include all of the actions from the masterplan. No works will occur to existing buildings.