Change Our Game - It's time for fair access

Fair Access in Sport

Banyule's Fair Access in Sport Policy and Action Plan has been developed in response to the Fair Access Policy Roadmap, released by the Office for Women in Sport in partnership with Sport and Recreation Victoria and VicHealth.

It will provide a framework to support women, girls and gender diverse people to fully participate in all aspects of community sport in Banyule, and will build on Council’s investment in community sports infrastructure and initiatives to promote inclusion and gender equity in sports.

The Policy aims to address the known barriers experienced by women, girls and gender diverse people in:

  • accessing and using community sports infrastructure
  • participation in all aspects of community sport.
From 1 July 2024, all Victorian councils must have a Fair Access Policy and Action Plan in place to be eligible to receive sports infrastructure funding.

The development of the Draft Policy and Action Plan aligns with our Council Plan 2021 - 2025 priority theme, 'Our Inclusive and Connected Community', and has been informed by the Inclusive Banyule Plan, the Community Infrastructure Plan and data from the Active Banyule consultation.

Get involved

  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the draft Fair Access in Sport Policy and Action Plan. The survey is now closed.

    There were a few of ways to get involved:

    • Complete the online survey below until 8 September 2024.
    • Attend the ONLINE community information session
      • Thursday 15 August, 7pm - 8pm - COMPLETE
    • Contact Niki Efstratiou on 9457 9811 or send a written response to
