
Thank you for your feedback on the draft Urban Forest Strategy

2 June 2023

Project update

Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent consultation on the Urban Forest Strategy.

Understanding your thoughts on the draft Urban Forest Strategy and associated actions and measures will inform the final Strategy, which will be presented to Council for adoption on Monday 9 October 2023.

View the full findings report (updated 10 July 2023).

What you told us

94 people completed an online survey, and 21 people submitted long form submissions by email and post, to provide feedback on the draft Urban Forest Strategy.

We also held three community forums in March 2023, which were attended by 54 community members. During these forums we received 111 comments and questions which have been collated and considered during analysis for updating the Strategy.


81% of participants told us that they support the draft Urban Forest Strategy and associated actions and measures.

Key themes from the consultation were: