
Project update - what you told us

17 March 2022

Our vision

Banyule’s urban forest is resilient. It is thriving and people are aware and value the role of the urban forest for health and wellbeing and in making Banyule a great place to live.

The urban forest is managed as an essential asset for Banyule and decisions about the urban forest are fit for place and purpose and space is provided to support greening and larger tree canopy.

People work with Council and are active in the protection, management and maintenance of the urban forest.

What you told us

In December we asked for feedback on the draft Urban Forest Strategy principals; 99 people providing feedback through an online survey.

We also asked you to complete two sentences... Here's what you said.

(Note: the bigger the word the more times it appeared in your feedback).

Q1: Urban Forest in Banyule means... the dominant themes were habitat and wildlife, the importance of urban forest for human benefit, indigenous species and all vegetation, not just trees.

Q2: I like having trees around me because... the dominant themes were personal wellbeing followed by providing shade, cooling and supporting fauna.

Your feedback also highlighted the need to reference the natural environment in the principles, therefore we amended the fourth principle and added a fifth principle to reflect this.

The Banyule Urban Forest principles are the beliefs and reasonings that provide focus for this Urban Forest Strategy. The Urban Forest Strategy principles were endorsed at the February Council meeting:

  1. We believe the urban forest is an essential asset for Banyule, shared by all and crucial for the health and wellbeing of the community and natural environment. 
  2. We believe a healthy urban forest is the result of strong partnerships between Council and community. 
  3. We act today to respond to the changing climate and to leave a positive legacy for the future community, and we act responsibly, using evidence-based practice in our leadership and management of the urban forest. 
  4. We plan, design and deliver for the people, places and natural environments of Banyule including: 
    • Climate change and reduction of urban heat island 
    • Liveability, amenity and neighbourhood character 
    • Banyule’s ecosystems and biodiversity 
  5. We protect and enhance the Banyule’s natural environment to care for flora and fauna. 

With the framework in place the Strategy moves to the next stage, developing the actions and indicators, with the draft report to be developed in June.

View the full UFS Framework Consultation Findings Report.