
Project update

30 September 2021

In April 2021, we consulted with the community to help develop the concept plan for the Waterdale Road Pocket Parks and Shared Zone Project.

Feedback include 68 completed online surveys, 118 quick poll responses and 34 written submissions. Check out the consultation findings.

Some of the revisions made to the concept plan include:

  • Changes to car parking around the project site;
  • Public art/sculpture in the southern pocket park removed;
  • Replaced the lawn in the northern pocket park with a timber deck;
  • Included street furniture such as handrails, a drinking fountain and a bike repair station;
  • Made changes to the southern pocket park to include a canopy of indigenous trees, new garden beds, feature paving and concrete and timber seating.

The concept plan for the Waterdale Road Pocket Parks and Shared Zone Project was endorsed at the Council Meeting on 30 August 2021.

View the endorsed concept plan.

Detailed design and documentation is underway and scheduled to be complete by mid-November 2021. Construction is anticipated to commence in early 2022.

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