
Watsonia Town Square - March 2025 update

21 March 2025

What's next for Watsonia Town Square?

We’re pleased to let you know that construction around Watsonia Town Square is progressing on schedule.

Watsonia Road lights and crossings

The Watsonia Road traffic lights have been activated. The southern pedestrian crossing (near the BP service station) is open. The northern pedestrian crossing (near the chicken shop) will open in the coming months when works on the Morwell Avenue side are finished.

Using the new Watsonia Road/Grace Street intersection

It can be tricky adapting to changed traffic conditions. When driving through the new intersection, please follow the Victorian road rules:

  • If traffic lights are green, vehicles can enter
  • If traffic lights are red, vehicles cannot enter
  • Give way to pedestrians when turning left or right.

If a vehicle is turning left or right from Grace Street (on a green light) and a pedestrian is crossing one of the marked pedestrian crossings on Watsonia Road, the driver must give way to the pedestrian, then continue through the intersection.

Pedestrians must cross at the pedestrian lights and must not cross if facing a red pedestrian light.

Library car park

We’re working on the area next to the library, which will become a play space with landscaping and an accessible toilet block. The car park section next to the existing toilet block is unavailable while we finish this work. It will re-open later this year. You can still access the library by footpath.

When the Town Square is finished there will be 33 parking spaces in the immediate library area, including the upgraded south car park and new spaces to be created on Watsonia Road and Ibbotson Street. We will then undertake another car parking study to monitor car park usage.