Key influences
- While Banyule is in a post-Covid19 recovery period, we remain focused on keeping our core business running well, investing in digital transformation, maintaining quality services and delivering the priorities included in our Council Plan 2021-2025.
- Our goal to be a zero-carbon organisation by 2028 and community by 2040 require significant investment and we remain committed to reaching those goals to act on the climate emergency.
- In addition, large projects like the North-East Link are causing significant local disruption that need to be carefully managed while we keep advocating on behalf of the community for the best local outcomes.
Next steps
As Council prepares the 2023–27 Budget, we are inviting your views on the financial principles we're using to guide our thinking, as well as your feedback on the draft Capital Works and Initiatives Programs.
Following this consultation, Council officers will prepare a draft Budget 2023-27, which will be available for your review in May 2023.
Financial principles
Generate enough cash to fund capital works and meet the asset renewal requirements outlined by the Victorian Auditor General's Office.
Look for non-rate sources of income to have a more diverse base of funding and greater flexibility to manage rate increases within the rate cap.
Deliver a Revenue and Rating Plan based on stability, equity, efficiency and transparency.
Encourage innovation and enhance how we do business to manage expenses at levels that can fund the capital works program and quality service provision.
Balance meeting the core service needs of our community, expectations of quality delivery and long-term financial sustainability.
Deliver a debt management plan that ensures decisions and opportunities are accommodated as part of responsible and sustainable financial management.
Draft Capital Works Program
The draft 2023/24 Capital Works Program has been developed considering community priorities and the current economic climate.
Following feedback received from community during previous years' engagement, it has been adjusted to focus on renewing and maintaining the assets we have and delivering the most essential projects. The rate cap announced by the Minister for Local Government in 2023 will also have a large impact on the funding available to deliver the program.
These factors have meant that some projects and programs have been deferred or re-scoped to ensure they deliver best value and outcomes for the community.
We are now asking for feedback on whether we’ve got the draft Capital Works Program right by completing the form below.
Draft Initiatives Program
The development of the draft 2023/24 Initiatives Program has considered community priorities and the current economic climate.
The rate cap announced by the Minister for Local Government in 2023 will also have a large impact on the funding available to deliver the program.
These factors have meant that some projects and programs have been deferred or re-scoped to ensure they deliver best value and outcomes for the community. Council will continue to be in a deficit position over the next few years while continuing to look for other revenue sources.
We are now asking for feedback on whether you think we’ve got the draft Initiatives Program right by completing the survey below.