
There is currently a limited amount of local public open space within the “Heidelberg Activity Centre;” i.e. in the vicinity of the residential and commercial centre, the railway station and the hospital precinct.

The Burgundy Street and Powlett Street Reserves are two public “green” spaces which are located within the Heidelberg Activity Centre which could potentially play an important future role as local public open space. Whilst both spaces are officially designated as “road reserve,” Council has previously written to the State Government requesting approval to reclassify them as public open space.

However in determining the future of these to spaces, Council is faced with competing pressures. These include:

  • To provide quality local public “green” space to service the rapidly growing population of the Heidelberg Activity Centre,
  • To provide more car parking to meet increasing parking demand within the activity area,
  • To find alternative sources of revenue due to the recent introduction of local government rate capping.

We would like to get an understanding of the views of local residents and others who use this space to assist Council in determining the most appropriate future for these two strategically important sites.

Masterplan Survey

How far do you live/work from the Burgundy & Powlett St Reserves? (Please tick one) Required
How often do you visit the reserves? (Please tick one) Required
If you visit the reserves, do you usually go alone or with others? (pick one) Required
If you visit the reserves, what is your main reason for doing so? (Please tick one) Required
How would you rate the connections to and from the reserves and other facilities in the area? (Austin or Warringal Hospitals, Medical Centres, Heidelberg Station, Residential and Commercial areas or Cemetery) Required
Would you make greater use of the reserves if some improvements were made? Required
As part of future improvements to the reserves, how would you feel about incorporating paid car parking? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.