What the reserves will look like


Each of the listed tiles link to the various parts of the Burgundy and Powlett Street masterplan influenced using feedback collected to date.


About the masterplan

The Burgundy and Powlett Reserves Masterplan is a unique opportunity to enhance an important area of the Banyule landscape under considerable pressure to provide accessible public open space, parking, cycling and pedestrian connectivity, all within a busy activity centre.

The aims of the masterplan are:

  • To create a vision for the Powlett and Burgundy Street reserves that will make a significant contribution to the community.
  • Progress the objectives of Council’s Public Open Space Plan, Integrated Transport Plan and Heidelberg Activity Centre Structure Plan in stimulating social and economic activity and in creating enhanced liveability, connectivity, sustainability and carparking in the local area.

What's happened to date?

What you said!

During February - March 2017 we spoke with you about the area to better understand what you like about the reserves as they are now and what opportunities there are to improve the spaces.

An issues and opportunities paper was prepared to highlight what we heard and to present some ideas and concepts for improving the space.

A summary of the opportunities and constraints for 3 key zones within the reserves has been prepared.

The findings from this has helped inform the development of the draft Burgundy and Powlett Street masterplan.


Burgundy and Powlett Reserves are located within the central Heidelberg Precinct, South of Burgundy Street, opposite the Austin Hospital and adjacent to the Warringal Cemetery in Darebin Street.

Whilst both of these parcels of land are classified as "road reserve," Council has requested the approval of the State Government for them to be reclassified as "public open space."

Take a look around and get familiar with the space:

Burgundy Reserve - The wide plantation on the north side of Burgundy Street between Upper Heidelberg Road and Stradbroke Avenue, which separates Burgundy Street from the parallel service road (sometimes referred to as the Burgundy Street Common).

Powlett Reserve - The wide nature strip on the eastern side of Powlett Street, between Burgundy Street and Darebin Street (sometimes referred to as the Powlett Street Common).

There is an abundance of research, both in Australia and internationally, which confirms the important role "green" public open space has on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of urban communities and individuals (Banyule Public Open Space Plan 2016 to 2031). Burgundy and Powlett Street Reserves are highly valued public "green" spaces within the busy Heidelberg Precinct 4 and Council wants to see how best to enhance and manage them into the future.

As the area's population and residential density increase, easy access to quality local public open space will therefore become increasingly important for community health and wellbeing. Research supports, the importance of informal activity areas in parks for social and community cohesion and additionally, the importance of play for child development.

The Banyule Public Open Space Plan Technical Report (Mid Precinct) recommends that the Burgundy Street and Powlett Street Road Reserves be reclassified as public open space. Also that masterplans be prepared for them to enable public open space to be developed in line with a well-considered plan which has broad community support.

The Burgundy and Powlett Street Reserves are located within the Heidelberg Activity Centre. The Activity Centre is also included within the "Latrobe National Employment Cluster" which is identified in the Victorian Government's "Plan Melbourne Refreshed" as one of the six areas within the established suburban areas of Melbourne targeted for high growth and development.

Council is therefore under considerable pressure to address deficiency of useable public open space, adequate parking and to increase pedestrian connectivity within the area. The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) predicts that by 2030 Heidelberg's population will potentially grow by up to 260%. In addition the VPA Report forecasts that employment within the Heidelberg/Austin precinct will ultimately increase by up to 200% to about 36,000 jobs.

This will also have significant implications for the provision of public open space and car parking in the area. Employees will often seek out and use public open space during their lunch times in order to get a break from office, hospital and retail environments. The large numbers of visiting friends and relatives of patients from the cluster of major public and private hospitals in Heidelberg will also no doubt be seeking public open space that is easily accessible from these hospitals for respite and solace. As a result the development of key open space areas within the precinct is a high priority for Council whilst maintaining amenity for residents and providing for local needs.

Although an important part of Banyule's Integrated Transport Plan is to reduce the reliance on private motor vehicles and encourage greater use of public transport and cycling, there is still likely to be increased pressure for more car parking. Paid car parking will also provide an opportunity for Council to increase revenue, which is of increasing importance in the current rate capping environment.

The challenge for Council in determining the future of these two parcels of green space is that it faces competing demands.

  1. There is a limited amount of public "green" space within the Heidelberg Activity Centre to serve as local public open space. This is an issue that has been identified in Banyule's Public Open Space Plan, due to the projected population growth and likely substantial increases in residential density. Much of the future residential development is also likely to consist of multi-level apartments, or similar developments, that will provide little or no private open space for residents. Due to these factors, demand for public open space will continue to increase.
  2. The Burgundy and Powlett Street Reserves are situated in the heart of a busy Activity Centre and there is also a demand to increase opportunities for car parking.