
Thank you for your feedback on Creative Banyule 2030

9 June 2023

What next for Creative Banyule 2030

Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent consultation on Creative Banyule 2030.

Understanding your thoughts on arts and culture in Banyule will inform the draft the Creative Banyule 2030 Strategy. The draft Strategy will be available for community feedback in September 2023.

What we did

During February and March 2023, we asked for your feedback on the draft vision, focus areas and potential actions through a Shaping Banyule survey and a number of focus groups with internal and external stakeholders. 141 community members participated in these activities, with 54 completing the online survey and 87 attending focus groups.

What you told us

View the full findings report from the recent engagement activities, or check out the data snapshot below.

What arts and culture mean to the community

This is what you came up with when we asked you to tell us three words that best describe arts and culture in Banyule.

Following analysis of the open field responses to questions asked in the survey and in workshops, these are the key themes that came through for consideration as we develop in Creative Banyule 2030:

And these are your responses when we asked you to rate out of 100 how important the proposed key focus areas were to you.

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