
Project update - what you told us

17 March 2022

What we've heard so far

In October 2021 we asked you to tell us about East Ivanhoe Village and changes we could make to the streetscape.

We received 102 responses and 133 suggestions and ideas on what should be part of East Ivanhoe Shopping Village in the future.

We also received many comments and ideas that can’t be included in the streetscape project, including calls for different planning controls.

What we plan to do with this feedback is prepare a place-based plan for East Ivanhoe alongside the streetscape project, to show how we can best respond to as many of your ideas as possible.

Look out for a place-based plan once we have finalised our on-site engagement period.

What next?

As part of our COVID recovery, Banyule Council secured State Government funding for the activation of our places and spaces.

This is an opportunity to trial and make permanent in Burton Crescent some of your ideas and suggestions. The footpath has been widened outside Vinoshis by removing the two carparks and permanently extending the kerb. This will improve pedestrian movement and better accommodate outdoor dining tables; a new tree and shade structures will also be installed.

We have also temporarily removed three car spaces on the western side of Burton Crescent and installed a small linear park. This includes a deck, seating, greenery and new trees. Over the coming months we will activate this space through events and activities.

Keep an eye out for details of what's happening in this space.

Proposed design concept for Burton Crescent, East Ivanhoe

Burton Crescent Concept Plan
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